Home Health What should parents pay attention to in children with influenza A?

What should parents pay attention to in children with influenza A?

What should parents pay attention to in children with influenza A?

Recently, more than 200 children in Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province contracted influenza A with symptoms of cough, fever and fatigue, and had to miss school˳ Influenza A or seasonal flu is a contagious disease, what should parents pay attention to?

Three random cases tested positive for influenza A in Bao Yen district - Photo: Lao Cai Department of Health

Three random cases tested positive for influenza A in Bao Yen district – Photo: Lao Cai Department of Health

According to a report by the Health Center of Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province, the first case started to be recorded from 7 to 3 out of 5 students, with symptoms of cough, fever, fatigue, had to miss school, then spread˳ quickly to the community˳

After a week, nearly 240 students contracted the flu, belonging to primary and junior high schools in the district˳

Symptoms of influenza A

According to doctor Nguyen Thanh Nam – Pediatric Center (Bach Mai Hospital) – Influenza A is an acute respiratory infection, caused by strains of influenza A virus such as H1N1, H5N1, H7N9…

The disease is transmitted through respiratory droplets, droplets of an infected person’s cough, sneeze or through contact with objects or surfaces contaminated with the virus˳

Initial manifestations of influenza A infection or seasonal flu are generally quite similar with symptoms: fever, muscle aches, fatigue, respiratory tract inflammation, sore throat˳ Children may also have symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)˳

“Usually the disease is mild and recovers within 2-7 days˳ However, for children with chronic diseases and obesity, infection with influenza A virus is easy to cause complications such as: ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, possibly even encephalitis, death˳

Families need to monitor the child when signs of more severe symptoms appear such as shortness of breath – rapid breathing, chest indrawing, purple lips, lethargy or agitation, poor appetite or refusal to eat, vomiting a lot… children to medical facilities promptly˳

In particular, families do not arbitrarily use antibiotics to treat children, only use them when prescribed by a doctor to avoid making it difficult to treat the disease, “doctor Nguyen Thanh Nam recommended˳

How to prevent children

According to Dr˳ Dang Thi Thuy – head of the pediatric department, National Hospital of Tropical Diseases – the most effective prevention measure is active influenza vaccination, annual booster vaccination˳

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to improving the health of children: give them enough nutrients, supplement vitamins, minerals, and multivitamins according to their age˳ Maintain personal hygiene; Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands˳

Regularly clean children’s living and playing space, especially the classroom environment, toys and daily contact items…

“This is a respiratory disease, so avoid bringing children to crowded places, especially contact with people who have the flu˳ Need to wear a mask when going out to limit the infection,” the doctor said˳ Thuy recommends˳

Dengue fever increased 2˳3 times

The Ministry of Health on March 20 said that in the first two months of 2023, the number of dengue fever cases nationwide increased by 2˳3 times compared to the same period in 2022 (with about 13,000), especially in some southern and southern provinces˳ Central˳

In the face of the increase in dengue cases, the Ministry of Health has sent an official dispatch to the People’s Committees of the provinces and cities, proposing to actively and proactively prevent dengue fever by strengthening environmental sanitation, killing mosquito larvae, and preventing dengue fever˳ kill mosquitoes, promptly handle dengue outbreaks˳

For medical examination and treatment establishments, ensure adequate drugs and medical equipment, avoiding the situation that patients are not treated and transferred in a timely manner˳

HCM City increases children with respiratory diseases

Information with Tuoi Tre on the afternoon of March 20, a representative of Children’s Hospital 2 (HCMC) said that from March 1 to 17, the hospital received more than 32,400 pediatric patients for examination due to respiratory diseases, in which many children have upper respiratory infections due to viral fever˳ Compared to the previous months, the number of pediatric patients coming to the hospital for outpatient examination and inpatient treatment is on an increasing trend˳

Doctor Nguyen Thanh Hai – head of the medical examination department of Children’s Hospital 2 – explained that the reason why many children suffer from respiratory diseases is due to the fact that the weather is now in the season of changing seasons˳ viruses, most of which are adenoviruses thrive˳

Before the situation of respiratory diseases is increasing in young children, Dr˳ Hai advised parents to take the child to the hospital early if the fever is difficult to reduce or the fever does not decrease until the 2nd or 3rd day, the fever is accompanied by colic˳ convulsions, or loss of appetite, lethargy, pale skin, rapid breathing or with additional symptoms such as bleeding under the skin, bleeding gums, nosebleeds…


More than 200 children in Lao Cai have influenza AMore than 200 children in Lao Cai have influenza A

On the afternoon of March 17, the Health Department of Lao Cai province said that it had localized and controlled the outbreak that caused more than 200 children to contract influenza A in Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/tre-mac-cum-a-cha-me-luu-y-gi-20230320225941084˳htm

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