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Importance of Computers in Medical Sector

Importance of Computers in Medical Sector

Computers have now become an inseparable part of our life˳ Be it school or colleges or offices or hospitals or home, there is hardly any place where you can’t see a computer˳ The importance of computers can’t be confided in words˳ Apart from making our work simpler, easier and faster, computers have actually helped humans in many life threatening situations˳ And this contribution can’t be put into words˳

Especially in the field of medical and hospitals, we have seen so much advancement which was not possible had it not been computers for our help there˳ In this article we will discuss some major areas in medical sector where computers have helped us humans and made our lives simpler, easier and better˳

1˳ Computerized Robotic Operations: Earlier days, if a patient is sick and needs treatment from the doctor, the doctors from the hospital have to be available in the hospital with that patient all the time˳ Performing diagnostics, operating a patient and post operation checkups required a doctor to be physically available near the patient˳ Now it’s not the case˳ With the advancements of computers, hospitals have introduced cutting edge technologies and treatments methods using which a doctor can perform the diagnosis and checkups thousands of miles away from the patient˳

Even operations are performed remotely with the help of robotic arm˳ The introduction of robotic operations has made lives of so many needy patients easier˳ If certain services are not available locally, the patient now needs not to travel hundreds of miles to go to a better hospital˳ The hospital and its services will come directly to him/her˳ The doctor can perform the remote operation with the help of the robotic arm placed near the patient and checking all the vital body factors on the digital display in front of him/her˳ It’s literally like doctor is performing the operation in person˳ The introduction of robotic operations has made the operation and treatment of the needy patients much faster, easier and cheaper at the same time˳

2˳ Computerized Internal Diagnosis: There are often scenarios where the doctor needs to perform the internal diagnosis of the patient to get the clear picture and state of the disease˳ Certain tumors and cancer may seem neutralized from outside but from inside the situation can be completely opposite and this can’t be found out until unless a proper internal diagnosis of the infected body part is performed˳ Even performing CT Scans, X-Rays and other scans can’t give a proper state of the disease and can delay the treatment at the same time˳

The introduction of computerized internal diagnosis has made the job so much easier, faster and effective˳ While employing the computerized internal diagnosis, most of the times a computerized tiny robot with a camera head is inserted in the body of the patient˳ The tiny robot makes its way through the infected part of the body providing real-time images of the internal parts at the same time˳ The doctors can literally see each and every area of the infected part and then can make justified decision about the criticality of the disease and can perform the treatment accordingly˳

3˳ Computerized Electromagnetic Treatments: There are many minor to moderate internal and external medical problems which are now treated using the electromagnetic technologies with the help of computers˳ Many skin, hair and eyes related problems are now being resolved using the laser, radio and electromagnetic technologies˳

Earlier these situations and many such medical ailments require performing an operation and keeping the patient in hospitals for days˳ With the introduction of electromagnetic treatments, these problems are being taken care without the operation and the patient need not to be hospitalized either˳ The patient can simply walk out and perform his/her daily rituals as earlier˳

These are some of the very basic areas where computers have found their way to show how important they are in our medical sectors˳ Everyday new advancements are made in the medical sectors, many incurable diseases are now curable and all this is because of the advancement in the computers and technology sector˳ With computer’s speed, efficiency and applications increasing every day, many more improvements are expected in near future˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Importance-of-Computers-in-Medical-Sector&id=6952967

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