Home News Pope Francis Continues to be Active, Despite Unsupported Report

Pope Francis Continues to be Active, Despite Unsupported Report


Is pope francis dying

Francis, who turns 85 on Dec˳ 17, continues to perform his regular duties as pope — despite his age and medical history˳

He recently concluded a five-day trip to Cyprus and Greece, where he visited several refugee camps to bring attention to the migrant crisis in the area˳ DW News posted a video of Francis greeting migrants at one of the camps, and he did not appear to be in poor health˳

While aboard the papal plane returning home from his travels on Dec˳ 6, the pope said plans were in the works for him to travel to Moscow for a second meeting with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church˳

But as the trip came to an end, unfounded speculation began to spread online that the pope is near death˳

A Dec˳ 7 post on Facebook reads, “The Pope is dying, news outlets reporting˳”

That same day, conservative news outlet Newsmax published an article — which is behind a paywall — with the headline, “Vatican Preps for Conclave as ‘Pope Is Dying˳’” In a tweet about the story, Newsmax wrote, “BREAKING: A Vatican source tells Newsmax’s John Gizzi that ‘Pope Francis is dying,’ with insiders saying they believe he will not survive past 2022˳”

Our readers have asked us about the pope’s health, citing the Newsmax report˳ But we have not been able to verify what Newsmax reported˳ We reached out to the Vatican for comment, but we did not receive a response˳

On Twitter, Bree A˳ Dail, a Rome correspondent for the Epoch Times, another conservative news organization, also said she was not able to corroborate the story˳ “No, I cannot confirm any of the assertions or allegations made in this report, published by @newsmax,” she tweeted, along with the text of the Newsmax article˳

Newsmax does not provide any support for the claim that “Pope Francis is Dying,” other than a quote that was attributed to an unnamed “secretary of one of the most powerful Vatican Cardinals˳”

Instead, Gizzi, Newsmax’s chief political columnist and White House correspondent, simply wrote, “Vatican insiders, including my source, do not believe he will survive past 2022˳” He added that the anonymous source, “tells me Vatican officials are already in ‘pre-Conclave mode’ and preparing the logistics for Francis’ passing˳”

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DW News (@dwnews)˳ “Pope Francis offered comfort to migrants during a visit to a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos and blasted Europe’s indifference to their plight, saying ‘please, let us stop this shipwreck of civilization˳’ Twitter˳ 7 Dec 2021˳

Dail, Bree A (@breeadail)˳ “No, I cannot confirm any of the assertions or allegations made in this report, published by @newsmax˳” Twitter˳ 7 Dec 2021˳

Filippis, Alberto˳ “‘Resign? Forget about it’: Pope Francis plays down health fears˳” Euronews˳ 02 Sept 2021˳

Horowitz, Jason˳ “Pope Exploring a 2nd Meeting With Russian Orthodox Church˳” New York Times˳ 6 Dec 2021˳

Gizzi, John˳ “Vatican Preps for Conclave as ‘Pope Is Dying˳’” Newsmax˳ 7 Dec 2021˳

Giangravé, Claire˳ “Pope Francis likens European efforts to ‘cancel Christmas’ to dictatorship˳” Religion News Service˳ 06 Dec 2021˳

Newsmax (@newsmax)˳ “BREAKING: A Vatican source tells Newsmax’s John Gizzi that “Pope Francis is dying,” with insiders saying they believe the Pontiff will not survive past 2022˳” Twitter˳ 7 Dec 2021˳

Samson, James˳ “REPORT: ‘Pope Francis Is Dying’ – Vatican Preparing For Conclave˳” Red Voice Media˳ 8 Dec 2021˳

“Vatican Source: ‘Pope is Dying’, Conclave Prep underway, credible Journalist reports˳” Novus Ordo Watch˳ 7 Dec 2021˳

Winfield, Nicole˳ “EXPLAINER: Who runs the Vatican while pope is hospitalized?” AP News˳ 6 July 2021˳

Winfield, Nicole˳ “Pope returning home after trip focused on helping migrants” AP News˳ 6 Dec 2021˳

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