Home News What Is The Symbolism Of A Circle? The Ultimate Breakdown

What Is The Symbolism Of A Circle? The Ultimate Breakdown


Circle symbolism

Symbols and shapes carry meaning in our world˳ They help us to structure atoms and space into something we understand and they connect with us on everything from an aesthetic to a soul level˳ Shapes are all around us and circles in particular hold an important place in our universe˳ The circle is the symbol of divine energy˳ It has a feminine touch that embodies compassion, manifestation, and infinity˳ There’s an openness to it, something that brings peace and comfort when looked at˳ So much more than a simple geometric shape, the circle is an ancient and essential symbol – perhaps one of the most important as it truly captures our circle of life, the shape of our planet, and all the cycles that we live and breathe every single day˳ In this article, we take a closer look at the meaning of the circle and how it symbolically lends structure and understanding to our life˳

From Egypt to the caves within Northern America, this shape is found throughout history˳ The sacred circle is protection, creation, balance, and evolution and is saturated in mysticism˳ The druids used circles to strengthen their intuitive presence, symbols of the cosmos˳ Stone circles were scattered across the United Kingdom wells of ancient magick and even Pythagoras called circles – the most creative form as they have no beginning or no end but infinitely keep turning˳

It’s cyclical, encapsulating new beginnings, and connecting with seasonal and lunar transitions˳ Even the planets, chakras and our breath cycle are circular˳ The circle is naturally grounding, yet is also brimming with cosmic glow and connects us to karma and goddess energy – this makes it earthy and otherworldly all at once˳

Symbolism and Spiritual Meaning of a Circle Shape

As one of the oldest shapes out there, it’s no surprise that the circle has earned its status as a sacred symbol˳ This limitless sign has countless meanings but all come back to the circle being reflective of the universe, the cosmos, and all of existence stashed within˳ Here are some spiritual meanings behind the circle shape˳

  • The cycle of life – we are born, we live, we die and it all comes back around again
  • Infinity – with no beginning and no end, the circle represents infinity
  • Unity – we all meet in circles of support and therefore this shape represents togetherness
  • Monotheism – the circle can also represent one god
  • Protection – many cultures (like Celtic cultures) use circles as protection, standing in a circle is believed to protect you from supernatural harm
  • Heavens – Chinese symbology uses the circle to represent heaven
  • Containment – the circle can also be seen as keeping something inside it
  • Divine Symmetry – the circle is associated with perfect balance
  • Sanctity – the circle and the halo share the same shape
  • The Sun – in astrology the sun is a circle and the giver of life
  • Wholeness – with no gaps, the circle is always completely complete
  • Perfection – in Buddhism the circle is seen as perfect as it represents perfect unity

The Symbolism of Different Colored Circles

  • Black – a black circle can represent the end of a cycle and the start of something new˳ It can be seen as an empty space or void that now needs filling after you have come to a close˳
  • White – a white circle also represents new beginnings and a fresh page˳ It denotes purity and spiritual growth and is about embarking on something new from a higher perspective than before˳
  • Red – a red circle is a strong sign of power and manifestation˳ It speaks of divine flow and vitality and can be linked to new energy filling a previously stagnant space˳
  • Blue – a blue circle is linked to wisdom and the evolution of truth˳ It also represents communication and the flow of speaking and listening from a clear and calm place˳
  • Green – a green circle represents the cycles of life and death and is linked to transformation and growth˳ It is also linked to the quest for knowledge˳
  • Yellow – a yellow circle is all about infinite possibility and the golden glow of creativity˳ It also represents the sun and speaks of finding new delights in life and thinking outside of the box˳

The Symbolism of Circles in Different Religions

The circle shows up as an important symbol across a wealth of religions˳ From the ancient stone circles of Pagans to the dharma wheel, the Christian halo, mandalas across some Islamic and Buddhist religions, and more˳ There is something profoundly spiritual and simple about the presence of the circle˳ We take a quick look at how the circle shows up in different religions and what this may mean˳

The symbolism of a Circle in Zen Buddhism

In Zen Buddhism, the circle is a sacred symbol also known as the Enso˳ It is presented by a single brushstroke and creating the circle is often part of meditative art where you let the mind go and invite the body to create without any chance to make modifications˳ It represents cycles, enlightenment, and the heart sutra˳ It also represents emptiness which means releasing your expectations and embracing reality as it truly is – not what you expect it to be beneath the weight of your attachments˳

Symbolism Of a Circle In Christianity

In Christianity, the circle can symbolize totality, eternity, perfection, wholeness, and more˳ While the circle symbol predates Christianity, it has been adopted and is now an integral sacred symbol that is closely linked to God˳ It is also believed to represent gods love for us – having no beginning and no end, but being infinite˳ The halo is also a circle and while the halo shows up in many religions it is important in Christianity and represents holiness˳

Chinese philosophy meaning

In Chinese philosophy, the circle can represent harmony and this often shows up in the essential symbol of yin and yang˳ Yin and yang have themes of interconnectedness and balancing the light and the dark˳ Along with being all about balance, the circle also represents wholeness, oneness, and unity˳

Native American meaning

In Native American culture, the circle can represent the four seasons and all of life’s cycles˳ It also shares its shape with the sun and the moon and it is believed that everything the world does – it does in a circle˳ From mandalas to dream catchers and medicine wheels, all of these integral symbols of the Native Americans share the hoop or the circle as one of their main structures˳

Greek meaning

In ancient Greek, the circle also takes on strong meaning and is believed to be a sacred shape that protects against chaos and formlessness˳ Traced back to its ancient roots, the circle represented the circle of life, divine symmetry, and the eternal flow of all things˳

Circle in Numerology

While the circle may seem a strange fit to numerology – a linear art, the sacred circle still finds a way to take its place˳ In numerology, the circle is best represented by the number 10˳ Just like the circle, the number 10 relates to wholeness and completion˳ It can also be stripped back to the numbers 1 and 0 which means new beginnings, new cycles, and infinite potential˳

Circle in Astrology

When it comes to astrology, the circle is one of the most important symbols there is˳ Everything is stashed within the circle – from the planets to the stars and the sun and the full moon and all the houses of the Zodiac – the cosmos is all circles and spirals˳ The circle represents never-ending cycles, the infinite nature of everything, and the foundations for all life˳

Feng Shui

The symbolic meaning of the circle also plays an important role in feng shui practice˳ It brings the energy of the yin-yang symbol which denotes balance yet it also represents the void and the space before anything existed˳ The yin and yang balance was born into this and with it came the dance of masculine and feminine, light and dark, and counterbalance˳ This shape in feng shui brings free flow, harmony, and enlightenment into your space˳

Common circular symbols

The Enso

A Japanese symbol, the Enso is illustrated as an incomplete perfect circle but even so it is used to denote the universe, perfection, strength, and enlightenment˳ It is considered to be a truly elegant symbol and one of peace and prosperity˳

The Ouroboros

Like a snake that swallows its own tail, the Ouroboros represents cycles of rebirth and regeneration˳ It is a popular symbol across many different ancient cultures including the Egyptians, the Greeks, Nordic mythology, and the Aztecs too˳

The Flower Of Life

The flower of life is denoted with overlapping circles and this pays homage to creation and how everything can be traced back to a singular source˳ It also represents creation˳

The Labyrinth

The labyrinth is a maze held within a circle˳ While there are many paths within the maze, there are also many dead ends and only one true path that will lead you to the center˳ This can be a symbol of our spiritual journey and finding the path that will lead us to higher consciousness˳

The Mandela

Mandela comes from the Sanskrit word for circle and within the Mandala, you will find geometric patterns that have their own meaning depending on different cultures˳ Mandalas are often used for guidance during meditation and their meaning is often linked to spiritual pathways and oneness˳

The Caim

The Celtic ancient symbol of the Caim is a circle prayer that means blessings and protection over those that you love˳ This protection comes from the trinity of the father, son, and holy ghost and is believed to protect the self, the family, and friends˳

The Yin And Yang

The yin and the yang symbol is held inside the sacred geometry of the circle˳ This circle has two halves and each represents the dark and the light yet each still holds a smaller seed than the other˳ The yin and yang circle represents duality and harmony˳


We have seven chakras across the body and these are energy points that are linked to spiritual flow˳ When opened, these energy points can help us to attain higher consciousness˳ Each chakra is linked to a different place on the body and each is represented by a different colored circle or wheel˳

Wheel of Dharma

The Wheel of Dharma was believed to have been first set in motion when the Buddha shared his knowledge for the very first time˳ This wheel is connected to the eightfold teachings of Buddhism and the universal moral order˳

Vesica Piscis

The Vesica Piscis is a symbol where two circles overlap with the two edges of the circumference meeting to touch the middle of the other˳ It is often used to represent divine femininity, fertility, and even the crossover between the physical and the spiritual worlds˳


What symbolizes the circle of life?

The universal symbol of the circle can symbolize the circle of life˳ This is a concept that believes our lives end as they start and our time here is one great circle˳ It is a philosophical concept that symbolizes both life and death˳

What does the circular symbol represent?

The circular symbol can represent many things – it can be unity, oneness, wholeness, the circle of life, and evolution and self-realization, it can mean cycles and divinity and the sun˳ There are so many meanings that can be found stashed inside the circle˳

What is a symbol for eternity?

The symbol for eternity varies and can be found across a few geometric symbols˳ The symbol for infinity is a sideways figure of eight which alludes to harmony, healing, and complete balance˳ Then there is the Chinese Ankh which is a cross shape with a circle on the top˳ There is also a simpler way of denoting eternity which is within the circle itself˳

What is the significance of the circle in Hinduism?

In Hinduism, the perfect shape of the circle represents the universe as Hindus may see the world as cyclical and infinite with no hard start and no hard end˳

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