Home News Accidents in Construction Zones

Accidents in Construction Zones

Accidents in Construction Zones

Truckers make a good point when they say that there are only two seasons: winter and construction˳ For areas where the weather doesn’t deal with the extremes of ice and snow, it is construction season twelve months of the year˳ Construction zones present some of the most dangerous driving conditions, and these are complicated by the presence of highway workers and speeding vehicles˳ The many contributing factors leave no doubt why there are so many accidents in construction zones˳

Drivers At Fault

One report from 2000 pointed out how none of the efforts made to slow traffic in construction zones worked except the presence of a highway patrol or police officer˳ Drivers continue to speed through these narrow and cluttered areas˳ The consequence has been a rise in the number of accidents in construction zones˳

Drivers who are speeding, intoxicated, distracted, confused, or not driving according to the limitations of the roadway often cause accidents in construction areas˳

Construction Companies at Fault

Because they are responsible for directing the traffic through the construction zone, a mistake or bad timing in communication between workers risks head-on collisions and rear-enders˳ Construction workers are responsible for lining up the cones or barrels to create temporary safe lanes for traffic flow˳ They are responsible to place adequate warning signs that redirect traffic away from the construction and workers˳

Construction vehicle drivers are often preoccupied with the work they are doing and unaware of traffic˳ Occasionally they back construction vehicles out into the lanes to reposition themselves˳ Many need to enter the lanes to get from one place to another, but seem unaware of oncoming traffic˳ Others just have little room to work to begin with and must maneuver close to flowing traffic˳

Construction company workers are responsible for the safe use and placement of equipment that is sometimes left in places dangerous to drivers in the flow of traffic˳ Vehicles in traffic often overturn cones and barrels, possibly˳ But when they aren’t repositioned, they present a hazard to the drivers˳

Workers don’t always stay out of the way of traffic, posing a hazard to drivers˳ But drivers who are speeding put workers at risk, also˳ With over 11,000 annual construction zone accidents causing about 800 deaths, construction companies have a huge responsibility to prevent serious injury from construction zone accidents˳

Highway Departments at Fault

Some states grant municipal or governmental immunity to highway departments and state departments of transportation˳ You will need to contact a lawyer to determine what your options are after a construction related accident˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Accidents-in-Construction-Zones&id=4786979

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