Home News Advantages of Staying Away From Substance Abuse During Teen Years

Advantages of Staying Away From Substance Abuse During Teen Years

Advantages of Staying Away From Substance Abuse During Teen Years

Teen years are very risky in every individual’s life˳ People during this period are more vulnerable to attractions including unhealthy habits˳ Wrong steps at this point not only show negative impact on rest of the life but also may cost one’s life at times˳ Hence, it is very important to educate teens about the advantages of staying away from unhealthy habits such as substance abuse˳

Below is the information on how crucial teenage is, why it is important to stay away from drugs and what are the benefits of staying away from drugs˳

Teenage – a critical stage of life

Teenage is a transition period between childhood and early adulthood, where many changes takes place both physically and mentally in an individual˳ Teens generally consider their peer group to be more important and influential than their parents and guardians˳ Teens are prone to various risk factors which make them get addicted to drugs˳ Some of the risk factors include drug abusing peers, easy availability of illicit substances, thrill seeking behavior, etc˳ Teens need to understand that these risk factors influence them get into unhealthy habits that destroy their lives˳

Importance of staying away from drugs

Drug abuse causes serious to severe problems both physically and mentally˳ Numerous studies and statistics are available regarding the harmful effects of substance abuse˳ Abstaining from these unhealthy habits not only increases the quality of life but also decreases the chances of medical complications and diseases˳ Apart from these, a person free from any kind of unhealthy habits will always gain respect from his family and the society˳

Benefits of staying away from drugs

Rest of this article brings you benefits of staying away from substance abuse˳

Healthy lifestyle: Avoidance of illicit drugs is one of the key factors for staying healthy˳ Drugs affect the central nervous system very strongly˳ Substance abuse may also lead to serious health complications, make the person weak and at times completely ruin the physical appearance of the person˳ Hence, staying away from drugs obviously improves health, and ensures overall well-being, thus facilitating a healthy lifestyle˳

Good academics: Substance abuse results in poor academic performance˳ Drugs slow down the functioning of the brain, which results in poor concentration and less activeness˳ Drug abusing students struggle to perform academically and attend classes regularly˳ Whereas, a teen free from drugs and other unhealthy habits not only performs well in his academics but also succeeds in the later stages of life˳

Low risk of crimes and accidents: Quitting unhealthy habits, especially alcohol and drug abuse, greatly lowers the risk of involvement in crime and accidents˳ Under the influence of drugs, a person loses his control on mind and is not aware of what is good and bad˳ If we observe the statistics of road accidents, majority of them have occurred due to drunken and/or drug abused drivers˳

In some cases, if the addicts don’t have enough funds, they tend to do thefts, robberies and shop lifting activities to finance their drug abusing habits˳ This makes them land in several legal problems˳ Hence, to lead a hassle free life, one has to avoid drugs˳

Bright future: Healthy life style, good academics, crime free profile – aren’t these enough to have a problem free life? Definitely, yes˳ Today, many schools, colleges and companies are conducting drug testing˳ It is very difficult for a person to pursue good education or get a worthy job if he fails to pass these drug tests˳ Hence, a drug free individual can have a positive outlook on future˳

These are the key advantages of staying away from substance abuse during teen years˳ Teenage is exciting, but at the same time risky˳ The person who successfully spends his teenage by correcting his emotional imbalances will lead a happy life˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Advantages-of-Staying-Away-From-Substance-Abuse-During-Teen-Years&id=6528413

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