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Advertising – The Digital Dimension

Advertising - The Digital Dimension

Marlboro Man, Dancing Nirma Girl, Raymonds, Tiger Woods, Colorful newspaper half-pages all of these conjures our image of advertising˳ Ad agencies like Ogilvy & Mather, Dejavu, Lintas, and their creative directors were the king makers who could make or break a brand˳ They still do to a great extent, but the rules of the game have changed˳

The Evolution

In its infancy, Rich media ads were in experimental mode while the industry was still grappling with a common standard and it required a very niche programming skill to prop up an ad˳ Because of the size of the media files and the complex programming, websites were skeptical in hosting these, lest the performance is dragged down the slow dial-up connections encumbered the adoption even further˳

But, as this baby grew, rich media ads became more of a fixture in the web eco-system˳ Although the standardization has still a long way to go, the basic formats & technology have become mainstream˳ “Rich Media” online advertising had come of age and the fact was that it turned heads’˳

In a flash, the mainstream advertisers, who pump almost $60 billion into television advertising segment, started to take notice of the online advertising phenomenon˳ Every expert in the industry knew the potential of this dialogue-driven, interactive Cadillac’ of the advertising world˳

Rich Media The Advertising Catalyst

Pay-per-click, Pre-roll, Post-roll, Inline, Scroll sounds like retail jargon, but, in fact they are the species of online video advertisement˳ A suave ad campaign can be launched with a smart idea, a good network, utilization of the Web 2˳0 tools like Blogs, Bulletin boards, Social networking sites (MySpace, Facebook etc˳), Video & Audio Podcasts, and online video ad-strategy companies like AdBrite, Brightcove, Motive Interactive, b5Media etc˳

Rich media has metamorphosed web advertising into an artistic science with unfathomable possibilities Video, Audio, Interactive features, Game-embedded ads, metrics enabled, and thought provoking concepts˳ As Rich media advertising expands its horizon and reach, the new generation of advertisers faces challenges of a different kind, which many may call the problem of plenty

* How to measure audience engagement and brand impact

* What are the right metrics for a particular audience age group? e˳g˳, Ad interaction time, Ad display time on the page, various levels of user engagement, message association & purchase intent etc

* What is the right technology in the Rich Media domain?

* How much exposure for an ad is optimum for the greatest impact? Be careful of the Annoyance factor’

Why the Shift?

There has been a spike in the Internet Video Ad segment from $500 million to $4000 million (quarterly revenue) between 1997 and 2007˳ This graph is getting steeper because of the following reasons

* Online advertisers are increasing exponentially (includes agencies, start-ups, content creators)

* Spending money online is getting safer and easier

* Presence of High quality internet TV channels and content aggregation – which are turning TV audiences towards the tube˳ Advertisers can reach comparable audience size on Internet as compared to TV

* Audience shifting from print and audio (Radio) media to the internet

* Anywhere, Anyway, Anytime content demand Internet based TV is just the right platform and advertisers are lining up to be a part of this revolution

Digital Ad Species Consumers are 8 percent more likely to view the 15-second spot to completion than 30-second spots˳ The video content generators can use any of the new ad placement strategies like pay-per-click, pre-roll, post-roll to monetize their video content˳ Some of the current monetizing methods are

Banner Ad- Comprised of an image, often placed at the top of the page

Blog Advertising- Ads designed for positioning on Blog sites˳ Companies include Federated Media & Blogads˳

Contextual Advertising – Advertising that is targeted towards the content on a web page˳ Contextual ad programs include Google Adsense, Vibrant media, Kontera, and Tribal Fusion

Cost-per-action (CPA ) – Advertising that is billed to the advertiser per user action (product purchase \ mortgage application)˳ Examples are Amazon & Indeed˳

Cost-per-Click (CPC) – Ads are billed on pay-per-click˳ The Web publisher gets the revenue for every click the user makes on the ads˳ E˳g˳, Google AdSense

Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) – Advertising (usually banner advertising) that is billed per thousand impressions, regardless of whether the user clicks on the ad˳ Companies include DoubleClick, ValueClick and many more˳

Interstitial Ad- An A d that plays between page loads˳ Companies include Tribal Fusion, DoubleClick, and many more˳

In-text contextual advertising- The Web page contains double underlined key words˳ When the user puts the cursor over this key word, a text ad comes up˳ When the user clicks on this ad, it takes them to the advertiser’s page˳ Companies include Vibrant media, Kontera, Tribal Fusion

RSS Ad An A d included in RSS feeds˳ Companies include Feedster, Feedburner and Yahoo!

The best place for your ad-spots

The Video viewing pattern is one of the focus areas for advertisers but the dominant categories are prone to variation because of the changing socio-economic conditions˳ More than 62 percent of consumers are most likely to stream news clips, with movie trailers (38 percent), and music videos (36 percent) next in line (for the first half of 2007)˳ Thus, consumers are streaming more of news clips, UGCs (user generated content), and sports clips as compared to the dominant category in 2006- music videos˳

Rules of the game made by consumers

“In an era where consumers control their media experiences, rich media provides more valuable and engaging experiences than most standard online advertising˳ When executed well, rich media can exponentially out-perform standard ad units”

The landscape of internet technology is defined by net-citizens˳ This new brand of audience is the architect as well as the consumers of social media (blogs, wikipedia, podcats, Bulletin Boards etc˳)˳ Measuring the likes and dislikes of the online community is on the priority list of every organization and advertising agency˳ Conversation and dialogue with the consumers have become the mantra of this new era in advertisement˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Advertising—The-Digital-Dimension&id=1094202

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