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An Unusual Way to Get Rich – Create a Flea Market Small-Business Empire With Wholesale Products

An Unusual Way to Get Rich - Create a Flea Market Small-Business Empire With Wholesale Products

FACT: Many people earn $1,000 per day (that’s $104,000 per year) just selling at flea markets and swap meets on weekends˳ (I’ve actually made more than that on some days˳) Most people think we are just a bunch of poor folks trying to make an extra dollar, and that’s exactly what we want them to think˳

What do we know that you don’t? What are our secrets? Can you do it?

Yes˳ Anyone can sell at flea markets and become wealthy…and I’m going to tell you exactly how right here˳

Becoming a flea market vendor is easy and affordable˳ Your expenses will be the cost of your merchandise and space rent˳ Daily rent for an outside space can be as little as $5-$10 per day˳ Many people begin by selling used items and move into selling brand new items purchased from wholesale companies˳ New items outsell used items two to one and have a higher profit ratio˳

Most people already have a table or two they can bring with them˳ I actually began my flea market and swap meet business with only $200 and a couple card tables I borrowed˳ I now earn thousands of dollars every month without fail˳ (Of course, the more money you have to buy merchandise, the faster your new business will grow˳)

The key is to let your new business grow˳ Don’t kill it by taking all the profits out of it! I suggest that you have a job or another source of income to cover your living expenses for at least the first six months after starting your new business˳

There’s an old adage in this business: ‘The more you have, the more you’ll sell˳’ Believe me, it is true! Take that to heart and put all of your profits into buying more merchandise, so you’ll have even more to sell the next weekend˳

Who do you think most shoppers will go to, the guy sitting there with four items on a single card table or three spaces across the aisle from him literally loaded with millions of different items? If you think you have enough merchandise, you don’t˳

If you use your profits to build your business and buy more merchandise every week it won’t be more than a few months before your sales rapidly increase and you can begin keeping some of the profits for yourself without killing it˳

If you live in a northern climate that is cold in winter or a southern climate that is hot and humid during summer, you might consider renting a space inside a flea market building˳ Yes, your space rent will go up a bit, but you’ll have the advantage of heat and air conditioning (comfortable shoppers spend more money), as well as a secure enclosure for your tables and merchandise during the week when the market is closed˳

Once your first small business is running well, use the profits from it to open a second small business at the same flea market or swap meet, selling a different type of merchandise˳ Expanding is as simple as renting another space and hiring someone to run it for you˳ Again, your costs will only be merchandise and space rent and whatever you pay your help˳ (Be good to them and they will be very good to you˳) Just as with your first business, put the profits back into your second business and allow it to build˳

The profits from two small businesses will allow you to open a third small business with ease˳ Do the same as you did before and allow your third business to grow˳ Put the money back into it by purchasing more merchandise˳

Then open a fourth, a fifth, a sixth small business at the same flea market˳ It’s not only possible but almost guaranteed that if you will do that you will create your own small business empire in less than one year and have a yearly income in excess of $100,000 after expenses˳

If you just put the profit back into your first new business, it will grow without another penny out of your pocket˳ The profits will allow you to open a second, a third and so on˳ You don’t need a small business loan to get started˳

Plus, you are not limited to just one flea market or swap meet˳ There may be other markets within 20 or 30 miles of you, where you can do the very same thing and multiply your earnings˳

If you follow this simple yet effective formula it won’t be long before you can stop selling at flea markets yourself and just become a manager, overseeing your small business empire and stepping in to give your employees breaks˳

Once you are making a very good income, consider other ways to invest your money to make even more profit, such as opening your own wholesale house and selling merchandise to flea market vendors and make even more˳

Flea markets and swap meets are an excellent venue in which the average person may start their own small business and become wealthy by creating a small business empire˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?An-Unusual-Way-to-Get-Rich—Create-a-Flea-Market-Small-Business-Empire-With-Wholesale-Products&id=2859867

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