Home News Analysis Of The Various Typologies Of Catharsis

Analysis Of The Various Typologies Of Catharsis

Analysis Of The Various Typologies Of Catharsis

Catharsis is a term that was coined by the Philosopher and it means a purifying of emotion or an emotional cleansing˳

In this article I would like to discuss the various forms of catharsis˳

First and foremost is aesthetic catharsis and what does it mean? Aesthetic catharsis can be defined as a process of creation and experience of art˳ Art can be music, painting, and literature˳ Behind the production of art there is a creator and he through the process of creation undergoes a catharsis of expression˳ Aesthetic catharsis can also be a process of experiencing art˳ For example watching the sun set with its ambience of colours is and aesthetic experience˳ Similarly the roar of the waves, the sweet chime of winds, and the musical sounds of birds all these become an experience of beauty˳

The second type of Catharsis is an existential one˳ The philosophy of existentialism as defined by me is a celebration of life˳ Life is a gift from God and that makes life a preciousness of being˳ In existentialism catharsis can be one of viewing life through affirmation and negation˳ Affirmation lies in the celebration of meaning and negation lies as a fruit to transcend shortcomings˳ The beauty of life is an epitome of celebration of meaning˳ Life as the existential philosophers say is not chaos, anomie, monotonous or repetitive but life lives in the lived experience of meaning˳

The next form of catharsis is a psychological one˳ Now what does it mean? Freud has anatomized three states of psychological being, the ID, the Ego and the Super Ego˳ The ID is a primary state of passion and emotions, the ego is the values and norms of the society and the super-ego is the laws of the society˳ An ideal state of beauty would be a balancing of the three states, the Id, the Ego and the super-ego˳ An individual in a psychological state of existence has to celebrate the ID, the sublimate the ego and subvert the super ego˳

The next form of it is the catharsis of the will˳ Will is the psychic embodiment of the manifestation of desire˳ The famous Philosopher Schopenhauer has said: there is a will to live and the will to die˳ The manifestation of will is the progeny to gratifying the desires of the soul˳ Will is tool for the beautification of the soul˳

The next form of it is the beauty of memory˳ Memory is the past experience of lived life˳ Memory is the simulacrum of transmitting messages for a thinking soul to the present and also a desire for positive outcomes in the future state of existence˳

The next form is a Philosophical one˳ Philosophy tries to make an attempt to ask the meaning of beauty in the existence of life˳ Life can be positive and engaging or life can be monotonous, dull and repetitive˳ Philosophy transcends the experience of life and dwells on the question of the meaning of being to a beauty of life˳

The next form of it is a political one˳ Now what is it in Political terms? In political terms, it can be according to Hegel’s Philosophy a thesis, an antithesis and synthesis˳ Let’s look at some examples˳ India was colonized by the British a thesis and suffered the yoke of colonial rule an antithesis, and Gandhi liberated India from colonial rule through a philosophy of nonviolence a synthesis˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Analysis-Of-The-Various-Typologies-Of-Catharsis&id=10530489

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