Home News Anyone Had experience With Miami Accident Lawyers?

Anyone Had experience With Miami Accident Lawyers?

Anyone Had experience With Miami Accident Lawyers?

Working as a Miami accident lawyer sure is a lucrative business˳ I love my city, and I would never say anything bad about it in public˳ Nevertheless, people in Miami are completely insane˳ The 80’s are long gone, but Miami is still one of the most coked up, over driven, macho, and insane places I have ever been˳ If you live in Miami, you have to take the good with the bad˳ Then again, if you work as a Miami personal injury lawyer, you get to enjoy the good and make money off the bad˳ Things do not get any better than that!

I used to work as a Miami criminal attorney, and that made me a lot of money˳ Nonetheless, criminal law makes you work too hard˳ I guess I am a pretty lazy guy by nature˳ Most of us lazy folks do not get to be lawyers, but the really practical ones do˳ I figured out that if I became a Miami accident lawyer, I would be able to make a killing off of the sympathies of juries˳

Whatever people say, working as a auto accident lawyer is not about the law˳ It is about emotions and sympathies˳ Basically, if you get in a bad car wreck, the jury are going to find in your favor˳ They are going to give you a lot of money as long as your lawyer gives them even a conceivable reason to do so˳ It is not that they necessarily believe that the other party is at fault˳ It is that they believe that you have suffered enough, and deserve some sort of reward˳ A good Miami accident lawyer knows how to capitalize on this!

Nonetheless, working as a Miami accident lawyer does have its ups and downs˳ Although it makes me a lot of money, it does not make me a lot of friends˳ There are a lot of people who stay away from me as if I were completely covered in oil˳ Granted, my hair is, but I think there must be a pure soul lurking underneath˳ After all, I am only doing the bidding of the US justice system˳ Every attorney, from a Miami accident lawyer to a public defender, is part of the same system˳ In my opinion, Miami accident lawyers are no less noble than underpaid criminal Defense lawyers taking cases for the poor and indigent˳ The only difference is that we are a whole lot smarter˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Anyone-Had-experience-With-Miami-Accident-Lawyers?&id=458641

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