Home News COVID-19 Information – U.S. Embassy in Austria

COVID-19 Information – U.S. Embassy in Austria


Austria covid lockdown

Last updated: 10/13/2022

For the latest Consular Alerts for U˳S˳ Citizens please click here

The CDC’s Order requiring proof of vaccination for non-U˳S˳ citizen nonimmigrants to travel to the United States is still in effect˳ For more information see Requirement for Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination for Air Passengers˳

Check the CDC website for additional information and Frequently Asked Questions˳

Country-Specific Information:

  • AUSTRIA COVID-19 UPDATE: Visit the Center for Disease Control’s Travel Health Notice for Austria˳ U˳S˳ Embassy Vienna has received numerous reports of American visitors who tested positive and subsequently had to quarantine or seek medical attention in Austria, at their expense˳ If you have tested positive or are experiencing COVID symptoms, or considering traveling to Austria, please see our page on Traveling to Austria During COVID˳
  • TRAVELING TO AUSTRIA: For the latest official Austrian entry requirements and COVID restrictions please visit Austria˳info (Austrian government’s official travel portal)˳
  • VIENNA CITY MANDATORY MASK REQUIREMENT: FFP2 medical grade masks (known as KN-95 in the United States) remain MANDATORY on public transportation and health facilities in the City of Vienna˳ This includes airplanes, airports, trains, train stations, metro / subway, trams, buses, taxis, Uber, pharmacies, hospitals and doctor offices˳ FFP2 masks are widely available in airports, train stations, pharmacies, and grocery stores˳ For current COVID restrictions in Vienna, click here˳ Elsewhere in Austria, masks are no longer required, but strongly recommended per Vienna rules˳
  • Have a COVID Backup Plan: All travelers should have a backup plan in case they must extend their stay due to COVID or other illness˳ Before traveling, make sure you have adequate medical and travel insurance and financial resources to cover a possible quarantine / hospitalization˳
    • U˳S˳ Embassies and Consulates generally do NOT provide medical care or financial assistance˳
    • U˳S˳ Medicare and Medicaid programs do NOT provide coverage overseas!
    • Contact your private U˳S˳ health insurance company to ensure you are fully covered in Austria˳
    • Medical evacuation (medevac) insurance is strongly recommended; the average cost of an air ambulance to the United States is $100,000˳
    • Bring at least one extra week’s worth of prescription medications˳
  • Entry requirements and COVID restrictions change frequently, sometimes with little advance notice˳ It is your responsibility to stay up-to-date on the latest entry requirements for every country you intend to visit˳
  • The U˳S˳ Embassy cannot give you permission to enter Austria, nor clarify or interpret the rules, nor intervene in the decisions of immigration officers, health officials or airline personnel˳

Entry and Exit Requirements:

  • Are U˳S˳ citizens permitted to enter? Yes
    • COVID restrictions can change frequently, sometimes with little advance notice˳ For the latest official Austria entry requirements and COVID restrictions, please visit Austria˳info (Austrian government’s official travel portal) or Austria˳org (Austrian Embassy in Washington, DC)˳
  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? No
  • Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes

Quarantine Information:

  • Are U˳S˳ citizens required to quarantine? No˳
    • On August 1, 2022, Austria dropped the mandatory quarantine requirements for individuals who test positive˳ Travelers who test positive may leave their hotel or lodging but must wear a mask at indoor public places˳
    • Do NOT travel if you are experiencing COVID symptoms or tested positive in the previous 5 days˳

COVID-19 Testing:

  • PCR and/or antigen COVID-19 tests are widely available throughout Austria at airports, “Apotheken (pharmacies), public and private labs, government testing centers, and pop-up kiosks˳
  • The City of Vienna operates several free COVID testing centers˳ Click here for English language information and details: https://coronavirus˳wien˳gv˳at/faq-english/#Testangebote
  • Visitors may incur charges for COVID-19 tests at private labs or pharmacies; average costs are $10-$30 for Antigen rapid tests and $50-$100 for a PCR test˳
  • Test results are delivered by text message or e-mail, or you may request a paper copy from the lab˳
  • PLAN AHEAD – Most testing locations in Austria are CLOSED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS!

COVID-19 Vaccine Information:

  • Are vaccines available in Austria for U˳S˳ citizens to receive? Yes˳
  • All residents of Austria who possess an eCard (Austrian national healthcare) are eligible to receive free COVID-19 vaccines˳
  • U˳S˳ citizen visitors may obtain vaccinations at private hospitals or pharmacies, but will be required to pay upfront˳
  • U˳S˳ citizen who are residents of Vienna can register for COVID-19 vaccinations at impfservice˳wien(German and English)˳ Residents of other provinces should check with local health department for information˳ More information is available here˳
  • Visit the FDA’s website to learn more about FDA-approved vaccines in the United States˳

Fines for Non-Compliance:

  • Violations of mask mandates are punishable by 500 Euros fines˳

Local Resources:

  • If you have a medical emergency, dial 144 (from within Austria) or 112 (general Europe-wide emergency number)˳

Other links:

  • CDC page on COVID-19
  • Travel˳state˳gov Country Information and Travel Advisory page
  • Traveling to Austria During COVID
  • WHO COVID-19 page
  • Austria COVID information page (English)
  • Austria COVID hotlines (English)
  • Austria emergency numbers
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