Home Health The patient became seriously ill because he pursued a macrobiotic diet and...

The patient became seriously ill because he pursued a macrobiotic diet and gave up Western medicine

The patient became seriously ill because he pursued a macrobiotic diet and gave up Western medicine

Recently, Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital continuously receives cases of patients eating macrobiotics, the patient’s health is increasingly depleted, the tumor size is increasing˳

Ovarian tumor weighing 15kg of a 63-year-old female patient (who used to take male medicine) was removed by doctors - Photo: BSCC

Ovarian tumor weighing 15kg of a 63-year-old female patient (who used to take male pills) was removed by doctors – Photo: BSCC

Despite being constantly recommended by doctors, up to now, many cancer patients have given up Western medicine, taken traditional and traditional Chinese medicines, and eaten a macrobiotic diet, making the disease more and more serious˳

This is a big challenge for treating doctors, when patients skip the “golden” stage of cancer treatment˳

Tumors grow because of taking traditional medicine and eating macrobiotics

Carrying an ovarian tumor weighing up to 15kg, a 63-year-old woman (living in Tien Giang province) was successfully dissected by doctors of the gynecology department of the Ho Chi Minh City Cancer Hospital after nearly three hours of stress˳

According to Dr˳ Nguyen Van Tien – Head of Surgery and Gynecology Department of Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital, this patient’s family situation is difficult, there is no money to go to the hospital for treatment, so he self-medicated with male medicine in the hope of eliminating the tumor˳

Recently, the patient found that his stomach was too big, so he went to the Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital for help˳ The “giant” tumor weighing 15kg was successfully removed by doctors, especially having completely removed cancer cells, helping the patient escape the “death sentence”˳

Another case is a 64-year-old female patient, although the size of the tumor in her mouth has grown over the past three years, she did not go to the hospital for examination but applied a macrobiotic diet to prevent tumor growth˳

Over the years of eating macrobiotics, the patient’s health is increasingly depleted, the size of the tumor is increasing˳ Because of guilt, she did not go to the doctor˳ When the tumor grew to a huge size in the lip with a diameter of up to 20cm, the monstrous shape caused aesthetic damage and invasion of many places, large wart lesions occupied the entire lip, mouth, bleeding … then she went to K Hospital for examination˳

MSc˳BS CCII Nguyen Trieu Vu – Head of Oncology Department of Thu Duc City Hospital (HCMC) – said that he often receives questions from cancer patients who have been and are being treated according to the protocol at the department, whether to take more traditional medicine, traditional medicine, or eat a macrobiotic diet˳

Answering the patient’s questions, Dr˳ Vu advised that it is still possible to combine Western medicine with traditional medicine, traditional medicine or a macrobiotic diet˳ In particular, Western medicine still plays the main role and gives higher treatment efficiency˳

In addition, he noted that there are some cases of eating a harsh macrobiotic diet (only eating brown rice, sesame salt, drinking leaf juice) causing the body to become exhausted, anemic, and the immune system is damaged and weakened, making cancer cells more likely to explode and develop˳

Macrobiotics is not a cure for cancer

Regarding the macrobiotic diet, Dr˳ Ngo Xuan Quy – Head of Head and Neck Surgery Department of K Hospital (Hanoi) – said that many people have applied and believe that this diet can treat cancer in recent years˳ Many patients hold the belief that this view is false and unscientific˳

In fact, up to now, there is no scientific basis or research to prove and recognize macrobiotics as a cancer treatment method˳ There are also no official studies showing that a macrobiotic diet is helpful for patients˳

Doctor Vu also believes that a macrobiotic diet is just a way of eating, not a drug or a cancer treatment method, but only at the level of supporting cancer patients during treatment (if applied correctly)˳

With the case of applying a harsh macrobiotic diet (avoiding meat and fish completely, eating only sesame salt) with the view of “starving” cancer cells, it is completely wrong and dangerous for the patient˳

“Cancer cells are like mistletoe, or parasites˳ They suck blood and nutrients in the body to feed themselves˳ If a cancer patient doesn’t eat anything, they still cling and absorb nutrients, making the patient even more exhausted˳ Starving the tumor is to starve itself first, make your body exhausted first, then make the body easily anemic, the immune system is damaged and cancer cells develop, which makes it easy to explode,” said Dr˳ Vu˳

Vu recommends that there is currently no special diet or special food for cancer patients˳ Basically, cancer patients still eat a normal diet, with full of nutrients and balance (no need to eat too much food or avoid any food too much)˳

When cancer patients are on medication or have just undergone surgery, can not eat much, they should divide many meals˳ For cancer patients with other diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, etc˳, it is necessary to discuss with a specialist to choose an appropriate regimen for their disease˳

Good psychological care, reduce pain and illness

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2025, an additional 20 million people worldwide will be diagnosed with cancer each year˳ Cancer can be prevented and cured if detected early and treated properly˳

In addition, many studies have proven that good psychological care will help cancer patients reduce stress, reduce the risk of severe psychological disorders in difficult treatment stages, improve coping skills, and enhance quality of life˳

Should be combined treatment, absolutely do not give up the treatment regimen

According to Dr˳ Nguyen Trieu Vu, traditional medicine plays a big role in medicine˳ Particularly in cancer treatment, traditional medicine plays a role in supporting patients during the treatment process, such as helping to limit the effects of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, helping to recover faster˳

“Studies on the use of preparations and materials from plants in cancer treatment are currently quite limited, with no impressive results˳ Patients should strictly and fully follow the regimen of a specialist, it will be better, instead of completely giving up western medicine to follow traditional medicine˳ They can be used in combination throughout the treatment process,” said Dr˳ Vu˳

Only eating macrobiotics to cure diseases, the tumor grew to a "terrible" size in a womanOnly eat macrobiotics to cure diseases, tumors increase in size ‘terrible’ in a woman’s lips

Although the size of the tumor in the mouth has gradually grown over the past 3 years, the female patient did not go to the doctor but applied a macrobiotic diet˳ Now the tumor has grown to a huge size, invading many locations with a monstrous shape˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/benh-nhan-tro-nang-vi-chay-theo-an-thuc-duong-bo-thuoc-tay-20230724231333016˳htm

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