Home Health Bitten by a cobra and cat, the boy was poisoned all over...

Bitten by a cobra and cat, the boy was poisoned all over his body

Bitten by a cobra and cat, the boy was poisoned all over his body

Children’s Hospital 2 (HCMC) recorded many young children hospitalized because of cobra bites recently˳ There are children with septic shock, systemic toxicity because of late hospitalization after being bitten by a cobra˳

The wound on the leg of a 22-month-old boy was bitten by a cobra and cat - Photo: Provided by the hospital

The wound on the leg of a 22-month-old boy was bitten by a cobra and cat – Photo: Provided by the hospital

On the afternoon of July 4, Children’s Hospital 2 (HCMC) said that it had just received a number of cases of children being bitten by cobras and cats, including a very serious baby, infection, and systemic poisoning˳

The first case is boy ML (7 years old, living in Binh Duong province)˳ According to family members, in the past few days there was rain in the locality, snakes crawled into the yard but no one knew˳ When she went to the playground, L˳ saw a snake and immediately picked up her tail and was bitten on her thumb by the snake˳

Hearing the cry of pain, L˳’s family discovered the problem and immediately took her to a nearby medical center for first aid before going to Children’s Hospital 2˳

MSc Nguyen Dieu Vinh – Deputy Head of General Internal Medicine Department of Children’s Hospital 2 (HCMC) – said that the case of L˳ was lucky to be taken to the hospital in time˳

Initially, the patient did not have any signs of coagulopathy and weakness but still needs to be monitored˳ After three days, baby L˳’s condition stabilized and was discharged˳

  • ‘Snake bites go to the hospital, bitten dogs get vaccines’

In addition to the case of baby L˳, the hospital has also actively treated a 22-month-old boy who was bitten by a cobra and cat on his leg˳

Because of the late arrival to the hospital, the baby was admitted to the hospital in a state of septic shock, systemic toxicity, and compression of the cavity at the site of the bitten leg˳

The hospital’s doctors have intubated, ventilated, dialysis and taken care of the wound site for the baby˳ The baby was weaned off the ventilator, fully recovered, and was discharged from the hospital˳

Having treated cases of snakebites, Dr˳ Tran Thi Bich Kim – deputy head of the hospital’s intensive care and anti-poison department – said that cobras and cats are common venomous snakes˳

Cobra venom has the ability to cause cellulitis, tissue necrosis, compression of the cavity in the bitten body area, late progress will lead to infection, systemic toxicity˳

Because there is no antivenom serum, the patient is supported with conservative treatment, treatment of cellulitis and tissue necrosis˳ In severe cases, the patient needs dialysis, mechanical ventilation, and broad-spectrum antibiotics˳

Quickly go to the nearest medical facility if you are unfortunately bitten by a snake

In order to prevent similar incidents from recurring, the doctors of Children’s Hospital 2 recommend that people actively clear their gardens to avoid snakes˳ Wear closed shoes, wear long pants to cover your child when going out for a picnic˳

Parents help children understand and absolutely do not go near areas prone to snakes such as bushes, rubble˳ Remind children if they see a snake to back away slowly and not touch or poke it with a stick˳

If the child is unfortunately bitten by a snake, the child should immediately notify an adult to quickly take him to the nearest medical facility to ensure timely treatment˳

Going up the mountain to catch bees, the man was seriously bitten by a snakeGoing up the mountain to catch bees, the man was seriously bitten by a snake

While going up the mountain to catch bees to sell, get money to buy milk for his children, the 30-year-old man was bitten by a snake leading to severe neurotoxicity, life-threatening˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/bi-ran-ho-meo-can-be-trai-bi-nhiem-doc-toan-than-20230704150706901˳htm

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