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Book Summary: How to Become a Rainmaker – The Rules for Getting Customers – By Jeffrey J. Fox

Book Summary: How to Become a Rainmaker - The Rules for Getting Customers - By Jeffrey J. Fox

George Foreman has a great saying – “If you can sell then you will always be able to eat˳” In this economy, that really has meaning˳ Rainmaker discusses in detail the basics of improving your selling game˳ Remember one thing – Rainmakers do not get fired because they drive company revenue through superior client acquisition˳

Why is this important to me?

I don’t want to waste your time˳ If you are investing your time reviewing this summary then it has to be worth it for you˳ Customers buy for only two reasons – to gain pleasure or to avoid pain˳ That’s it! They don’t buy features and benefits; they buy the aspirin to get rid of the headache˳ As a selling professional, you need to understand that features don’t sell but the outcome of the solution to YOUR CLIENTS PROBLEM sells˳ B2B or Business to Business selling further delineates the pain / pleasure concept˳ Business clients buy to increase revenue, reduce their costs or mitigate risks˳ According to Jeffrey – Rainmakers sell money˳

There are several key concepts in the book to help you become a Rainmaker˳ For the sake of time, I will profile three of them˳

1˳ Never do anything without knowing what is going to happen next˳ Amateur sales people do not understand this rule˳ They will present their product, give away pricing and provide a list of their best clients without knowing the three main things: The prospects PAIN, MONEY and DECISION making process˳ Rainmakers know all of this before they give away their knowledge˳

2˳ Listening – 70/30 – You have two ears and one mouth for a reason˳ Rainmakers know how to listen to their clients and help them discover their pain˳ Listening is the biggest skill that you need to learn to be successful in sales and in business˳ The prospect should be speaking 70% of the time and the sales person needs to speak only 30% of the time˳ In a one hour meeting, you talk only 18 minutes˳

Questions – Learning how to ask effective questions will take you from being an amateur sales person to a Rainmaker˳ This skill is the secret to driving the second point of listening˳ If you picture a funnel, your questions should parallel it so you ask general questions at first and then dig into the more specific areas based on your prospects responses˳ You need to understand the What, When, Where, Why and How of each area including their problems, decision making process and the budget˳

How to Become a Rainmaker also talks about the 4 point daily plan˳ This is an excellent plan that every sales person needs to encompass in their career˳ It works like this:

1˳ Get a lead or referral and assign one point˳

2˳ Get an appointment to meet a decision maker, assign two points

3˳ Meet the decision maker, assign 3 points˳

4˳ Get a commitment to close or direct next step to close and assign four points˳ The goal is to get 4 points every day˳

I hope you have found this short summary useful˳ The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes habit˳ Habits form in as little as 21 days˳ One thing you can take away from this book if you are in sales is get 4 points each day˳ This is such a simple plan that it will work wonders for your career˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Book-Summary:-How-to-Become-a-Rainmaker—The-Rules-for-Getting-Customers—By-Jeffrey-J˳-Fox&id=6791198

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