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Building an Endless List of Qualified New Prospects With Social Media in 5 Really Simple Steps

Building an Endless List of Qualified New Prospects With Social Media in 5 Really Simple Steps

Do you think there is any Network Marketer out there, who doesn’t know that Social Media Marketing is a great tool to get leads for their business? I don’t think so, at least the ones that have made the jump to the internet˳ So why is it, that so many people don’t make a dime in their MLM business? Social media are free tools to work with˳ There is nothing more “duplicatable”˳ So why is hardly anybody duplicating?

We read the books on personal development˳ We read the books on law of attraction˳ Afterward we feel great for a few days or weeks˳ We are all powered up, and then…˳

Then we start all over again, doing what isn’t working˳ All the information we need is out here, on the web˳ We just need to take a few easy steps to make it work for us˳

Success doesn’t depend upon doing one thing really well for just one moment˳ Success depends on doing a lot of little things, day after day after day˳ You need discipline for that˳ You need to take responsibility over your life˳

Here are a few really easy steps to take, which will improve you social media success:

1˳ Get a free tool or e-book, which you can offer people˳ This e-book or tool should make the lives of the people you contact, easier˳

2˳ Go to a social web site and search for people already in a Network Marketing business˳ No need to even try with people who do not know anything about MLM˳ You want people who are in a business and who are struggling˳

3˳ Connect with a person you think is working in a MLM business and who you think needs help to improve hers or his business˳

4˳ Send this person a personal message or email˳ You can talk about the person’s profile, or about anything that you might have in common, or just that you would like to get connected˳ At the end of your message offer the free e-book or tool and make it look like this is something they can really use˳ Do not give the person your link˳ Just ask if he or she would like you, to share it with them˳

5˳ Repeat these steps over and over and over again˳ Try to work on several websites a day, sending about 10 messages to each website˳

There will be people who don’t react to your message˳ There will be people that say: “Hey, tell me more˳” The ones that answer back and want to know more about your free stuff will get your link˳ This is the easy part of making contact with people and starting to build your list˳

Once you are in contact with people, build on it˳ Teach them, train them˳ Gain their trust˳ Some will end up the down-line of your primary opportunity, if you just stick to the plan˳ And the best thing is, because these people are already trained, they can take off straight away, copying your example˳

Now, I know this isn’t a “get rich quick” thing˳ This takes time and effort and a lot of repeating, but it is a proven work schedule˳

Ask me for a free tool or e-book to offer your people, if you have nothing˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Building-an-Endless-List-of-Qualified-New-Prospects-With-Social-Media-in-5-Really-Simple-Steps&id=6302628

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