Home News Business Leased Lines

Business Leased Lines

Business Leased Lines

Leased lines are a connection to two locations for private voice and/or data telecommunication service˳ It can also be defined as a connection which is reserved between two places˳ In most parts of the world, rented line providers offer internet connectivity at varying speeds˳

Rented lines have become really popular in the business world˳ It is said to be more suited for businesses because they require a dedicated and fixed bandwidth connection between two places for transmitting voice, video and internet data˳ One of the biggest advantages of rented line is that it is a personal line for the company or the business; it is not contended or shared and offers dedicated internet bandwidth straight to the network backbone˳

For multi-nationals and growing businesses, rented lines are ideal because they can afford the high installation costs˳ It is a known fact that rented lines have higher installation costs than other connectivity options˳ Despite the price, as a package, these companies get a better deal with rented-lines, because rented-lines offer so much more than other connectivity options˳

Smaller businesses are being forced to look for other connectivity options because of the high cost of such lines, thus proving that leased-lines are ideal for businesses, because the first option on the list of even the smallest business is leased-lines˳ However, the cost of the rented-lines makes it a difficult investment for them˳

So, what do these smaller companies/businesses do for alternative solutions? Smaller businesses tend to look into cheaper rented-line alternative solutions such as bonded DSL and Ethernet circuits˳ These cheaper solutions are amazing at offering similar performance at a very cheaper price and with a relatively simpler infrastructure installation˳

The rented-line companies have taken smaller businesses in to consideration and have come up with a new package plan that should be more appealing to smaller businesses˳ Their new packages include lower monthly and yearly rentals than traditional BT leased-line solutions˳ The cost of the rented-lines and installation charges has been reduced˳

The new leased-line packages offer better value for money and more bandwidth and cheaper cost rate than before˳ Reliability on performance of the leased-lines has been increased, backed by a 99˳9% leased-line SLA˳

The technology of such lines has been updated, and it allows the user to grasp the advantages of a more reliable, secure and dependable internet connectivity˳ Another benefit of leased-lines, which makes it ideal for business purposes, is that they can be used to connect directly to the internet or they can be used to network the business offices˳

With such lines, a company has many options˳ It can simply opt to connect a single site to the internet using the leased lines or it can link a remote office to its head office while using such lines˳ One of the best options that make leased lines such a business-favourite is that one can create a fully private network connecting all of your business locations˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Business-Leased-Lines&id=4906163

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