Home News Can Pay Per Click Advertising Really Grow Your Business?

Can Pay Per Click Advertising Really Grow Your Business?

Can Pay Per Click Advertising Really Grow Your Business?

Around 80% of all internet traffic passes through at least one Google page en-route to finding what they’re looking for online˳ This treasure trove of potential clients, all searching for a specific product or service, makes pay per click advertising the best way to grow your business˳

With a well written advert and a carefully chosen set of keywords, your business could well be their first port of call˳ And if it’s not, then you don’t pay˳ Not only are you reaching clients at the exact moment in which they are searching for the services you offer, you’re doing so on a pre-determined budget˳ Depending on how successful your campaign is and how much capital you are prepared to invest, the budget can be raised and lowered at any time˳ If you have a special offer or your product is time sensitive for example, the daily budget can be temporarily boosted without worrying about sustaining the increased expenditure long term˳

A Flexible Friend

This ease with which pay per click outgoings are controlled is undoubtedly its greatest selling point˳ No other advertising medium gives you the same level of flexibility as a pay per click account˳ Your advert text can be updated daily and adapted as your business grows˳ Introductory offers, new product lines, special events – all can be added at the touch of a button for no extra cost˳ With traditional radio or print advertising such changes would require expensive new campaigns˳

Advertising on a platform such as Google AdWords also gives you greater control over who sees your advert and when- you can set languages, time zones and even choose to show your ads to users only in specific cities or regions˳ Add to this the option of creating several different campaigns for disparate product areas or client bases and it’s easy to see why an estimated 150,000 businesses are currently using AdWords to cost effectively gain new customers˳

Outsourcing Optimisation

Of course, with so many options and so many competitors all starting from the same level playing field, internet marketing is not all plain sailing˳ Pay per click optimisation is a skill that few companies posses˳ To obtain the best results, it’s often easier to outsource the management of your account to a professional pay per click management consultancy such as Top Position˳

Competition for the coveted top spot is fierce and influenced by many complex factors˳ If you don’t have the time or know-how to tweak your campaign it can be hard to make your budget work for you˳ There’s nothing more frustrating than investing time and money in PPC only to see your advert seemingly glued to the outer reaches of a search result page˳

The best way to avoid this is to use a professional account management service˳ Not only will this give you the best possible return on your investment by introducing the most relevant keywords and a realistic cost per click to your ad groups, it will free up valuable business time and physical resources˳

Maximising Performance

Good PPC management will see your AdWords campaign running at its optimal level for the minimum cost per click˳ A savvy account manager will know when to try new things and monitor what does and doesn’t work for your campaign˳

Look for the ‘Qualified Google AdWords Professional’ certification before employing the services of a PPC account manager˳ This shows that you’re outsourcing the management of your campaign to someone with Google training˳ This rubber stamp guarantees that your new account manager is familiar with the Google AdWords platform and trained to a high standard by the search engine themselves˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Can-Pay-Per-Click-Advertising-Really-Grow-Your-Business?&id=467370

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