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Car Insurance Friendly Vehicle

Car Insurance Friendly Vehicle

There are many different factors that influence the rates of your insurance policy and the coverage that it provides˳ While many of these factors have to do with general situations, there are also many factors that deal with specifics˳ Your gender, age, marital status and working conditions can all be used to influence your insurance price and surprisingly enough the car that you drive is also something that companies will often use in determining your price˳

On second glance however, the fact that your car is used to determine in part the rate of insurance that you pay is perhaps not as surprising as it might be on first glance˳ After all, cars tend to imply lifestyles and of course different cars have different concerns when it comes to repairs˳ Without discussing specific models of cars that might be higher or lower in the estimation of specific insurance companies, here are some general characteristics of automobiles and what those characteristics might mean for the insurance bill that you are forced to pay˳

Repair History

There are many different types of automobiles around and many of them have very long road lives because of the excellent maintenance that is performed on them on a regular basis˳ These routine maintenance checks can prevent serious defects with the automobile and that not only saves you money on having to repair those defects, but it also saves you money because you might be able to sell the car later and get more money for it because of the condition it is in˳

The same is true for auto insurance˳ If your car is well maintained and you have not had any accidents in that specific car, you might get a better than average rate of insurance˳ However, if your car has seen serious damage on multiple occasions and is not operating anywhere close to its peak form, you will almost certainly see that reflected in your insurance rate if the company sends someone to inspect your car˳ Cars that have been damaged multiple times are known as lemons and there are even laws in place to protect people that accidentally purchase them, but none of those laws can protect you against the higher interest rates that these cars tend to attract˳


Type is a really subjective term, but what it refers to is a combination of the size of the car, the weight it carries and the general usage of that vehicle according to the manufacturer˳ In essence, if you purchase a small car that you only plan to drive within the city and care for it on a regular basis, chances are pretty good that your insurance rates are going to be lower because the company does not see you as being a particularly high risk in terms of ever having to pay out on an insurance policy that you purchase from them˳

On the other hand, if you purchase a large car like an SUV and take it off road a lot, you might find your insurance rates increasing because of the company seeing you as a higher risk˳ Remember that from the point of view of the insurance company, risk is a big part of the equation and it is the part of the equation that you need to reduce as much as possible if you want to get insurance rates˳ Smaller cars and safer lifestyles tend to reduce the amount of risk the company sees when they take a look at your account˳


These are just two of the many different car factors that might factor into the auto insurance friendly value of a specific car˳ Now that you know how the insurance company thinks, you should be able to evaluate your own car and see how insurance-friendly it might be˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Car-Insurance-Friendly-Vehicle&id=1414073

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