Home News Why did Bill and Melinda French Gates divorce? – Sportskeeda

Why did Bill and Melinda French Gates divorce? – Sportskeeda


Cause of gates divorce

In an interview with CBS Mornings’ Gayle King, Melinda French Gates opened up about her divorce from Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates˳ In a preview of her interview, the 57-year-old was heard expressing her opinion on the “journey of healing˳”

The promo of the interview, released on Wednesday, insinuated that Melinda would be addressing Bill Gates’ alleged affairs during their 27 years˳ The former couple split in May last year, which would mark this interview as one of the first times either of them has publicly addressed their split˳

As per CBS, the full interview is set to air on CBS Mornings on Thursday, February 3˳

The reason behind Bill and Melinda French Gates’ divorce

While discussing her divorce with Bill Gates, Melinda revealed that she used to cry during the time of their split˳ French Gates added that she used to think:

One of the primary reasons behind their split was Bill Gates’ involvement in multiple cases of alleged infidelity during their marriage˳ In the interview, when French Gates was asked about the billionaire’s multiple alleged affairs, she said:

Throughout 27 years of marriage, Gates has been accused of cheating on his then-wife, Melinda, multiple times˳ According to reports from The New York Times, there have been multiple allegations of him pursuing women at both Microsoft and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation during the couple’s marital life˳

In 2019, a report of Bill Gates’ infidelity with a Microsoft employee came into the public eye˳ At the time, Microsoft reportedly received a letter from the woman with whom Gates had an affair in 2000, six years into his marriage with Melinda French Gates˳

In May last year, after the two decided to split, Gates’ spokesperson reportedly admitted to one instance of infidelity˳ However, his spokesperson did not confirm any other allegations of affairs˳

Furthermore, Melinda French Gates was also not happy with how the former Microsoft CEO handled the p*dophilic s*xual allegations against his long-time money manager, Jeffrey Epstein˳

French Gates said:

Seemingly addressing her former husband’s affairs, French Gate said:

Meanwhile, Gates told CBS that he was sorry for the pain he caused Melinda French Gates and their family˳

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