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CDC Study Explains Why Biophysical Drug Rehabs Report Explosion in ADD/ADHD Drug Addiction

CDC Study Explains Why Biophysical Drug Rehabs Report Explosion in ADD/ADHD Drug Addiction

Wednesday MSNBC˳com reported on a research paper just released by the CDC publication, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report˳ In it new survey results of parents with children ages 4-17 say a doctor or health care provider had told them their child had ADHD˳

This means that 1 in 10 kids today are diagnosed with ADHD – a number that has skyrocketed since 2003 and scientists do not have a clear understanding as to why this is˳ (Think PR campaign and advertising dollars and infiltration of school systems to put kids on drugs˳)

This diagnosis is most often treated with drugs˳ In fact in the new government study, about two-thirds of the children who are told they have ADHD are on medications; specifically psychostimulants˳ (Think Ritalin, Adderall which are similar to street drugs like meth and cocaine˳)

What is not reported in this article or study is how this drugging affects the lives of these young people˳ Imagine how well someone would survive if they were using meth off the street for just a few months˳ Well, most of these ADHD labeled kids are on similar drugs – for YEARS˳ For most they become trapped in a life of drug use and dependency that we would not wish on our worst enemies˳

Biophysical drug rehab centers treat many of these kids and young adults˳ They find that a large number suffer from serious side effects due to these stimulants and additionally are addicted to ‘speed’ and other substances due to secondary addictions that follow˳ Biophysical rehabs are generally long term rehab treatment centers that focus on getting all the meth and other drug residue out of the body tissues˳ This type of rehab process frees a person from the feeling that they must continue using these stimulants in order to wake, talk, think, and stay alert throughout the day˳

This is because a dwindling spiral of addiction develops when put on these meds˳ Initially, the drugs seem to work as focus and concentration is increased˳ But as our bodies build up tolerance to methamphetamines (ADHD meds or streets meth, both alike) the need for greater quantities develops˳ Greater quantities open the door to trouble with eating and sleeping, so they resort to drugs to help them ‘level out’˳ Common examples of ADHD secondary addictions include the use/abuse of sleeping pills, alcohol, marijuana or other powerful substances like pain pills, heroin and benzos˳ Eventually the person is living a seesaw life of needing large amounts of stimulants in order to simply wake up and function each morning followed by the need to counter act the stimulants so that they can sleep˳ This cycle will degrade to a point where the person no longer feels normal, able to emote or do basic day to day functions˳

Ultimately a form of ‘cocaine psychosis’ sets in and the person begins hallucinating with extreme paranoia; believing people are out to hurt them, listening in on calls, FBI men in bushes and the like˳ Unfortunately, traditional 28 day rehabs just do not help this type of addiction very well˳ They simply say they need more sleep and wake them for group therapy four times a day˳ Biophysical rehab programs seem to take on the lion’s share of this type of addiction as they deliver a more effective type of treatment which is necessary to get someone back to feeling normal again˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?CDC-Study-Explains-Why-Biophysical-Drug-Rehabs-Report-Explosion-in-ADD/ADHD-Drug-Addiction&id=5376267

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