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Does ChatGPT help patients?

Does ChatGPT help patients?

ChatGPT has the ability to access large amounts of medical data and analyze that data to provide information to users˳ How does it help the patient?

Does ChatGPT help patients?  - Photo 1.

ChatGPT cannot replace doctors in making important decisions – Illustration: Medpage Today

Mr˳ Nguyen Huu V˳, 35 years old, office worker, house in District 10 (HCMC), went to an ear, nose and throat doctor because of a sore throat for 2 days˳ After examination, he was diagnosed by a doctor with a sore throat caused by acid reflux from the stomach˳ He was surprised and wondered because he had no stomach symptoms˳ Although the doctor explained, he was still skeptical, so he “ask” ChatGPT to check the information as well as the treatment˳

So can ChatGPT replace doctors?

Indicates the cause, but does not diagnose the disease

ChatGPT is an application of artificial intelligence, which can be understood as a huge library but can chat by answering users’ questions˳

With natural language processing, ChatGPT can understand and answer users’ questions in simple language, making it easier for people to understand medical terminology and health concepts˳

In terms of diagnostics, ChatGPT can help patients identify the causes of a symptom and give very helpful advice at the same time˳

Example: When a user asks ChatGPT about the causes of the following runny nose, ChatGPT will provide all possible causes of this symptom such as: allergies, sinusitis, infection, reflux, structural abnormalities bamboo and some drugs˳ At the same time, it is recommended that patients should see a doctor and see a doctor directly to get a specific diagnosis˳

As another example, when a user asks how to diagnose nasopharyngeal cancer, ChatGPT provides a full range of steps, from neck examination to detect tumors or cervical lymph nodes, then nasopharyngoscopy to find suspect injury˳ It also emphasizes biopsy of the suspected lesion as the definitive diagnosis for this pathology˳

Chat GPT also recommends that if there are persistent symptoms, you should see a doctor for a timely examination…

The correct identification of the cause of the symptom does not mean the correct diagnosis of the disease, ChatGPT helps users gain more knowledge rather than confirm the diagnosis˳ The final diagnosis still needs to be weighed by the doctor based on that information combined with the unique factors of each patient˳

ChatGPT “consults” both “surgery or not”

Does ChatGPT help patients?  - Photo 2.

Illustration: REUTERS

When a user asks “I have a sore throat for 3 days, accompanied by cough, fever and runny nose, should I use antibiotics?”, Chat GPT will immediately analyze: This is a symptom of upper respiratory tract infection˳ ˳

It further explains: the main cause is a virus, usually just need to use pain relievers, fever reducers, cough suppressants, and runny noses, the disease will go away on its own˳ Antibiotics should not be used because they will not work and increase the problem of antibiotic resistance, allergy and waste when used incorrectly˳

However, ChatGPT also analyzed that there are some cases of bacterial infections, which need to see a doctor for further examination and tests for accurate diagnosis and appropriate antibiotic use˳

As another example, when asking the question of whether long-term chronic sinusitis requires surgery, ChatGPT provides an overview of chronic sinusitis treatments such as antibiotics, nasal sprays, nasal irrigation˳ , away from polluted air and triggers˳

ChatGPT also states that surgery is only performed when aggressive medical treatment fails, what surgery will do such as removing polyps, correcting abnormal structures, as well as factors to consider when making surgical decisions˳ such as severity of disease, general health status, comorbidities˳ And it advises patients to discuss with their doctor to find the best solution˳

When asked about possible complications of sinus surgery, ChatGPT also listed in order of common to uncommon complications such as bleeding, infection, nasal congestion, loss of smell, orbital damage, floor damage˳ skull and sticky scars˳

It can be seen that, for more information about treatment and issues surrounding treatment that doctors and patients cannot discuss, ChatGPT is a reliable friend to confide in and gather information˳

Prevention from ChatGPT’s advice?

Does ChatGPT help patients?  - Photo 3.

Illustration: REUTERS

In terms of disease prevention, ChatGPT can provide very complete and useful information for patients, supporting patients as well as doctors when they want to re-systemat patient support information˳

Example: Patients often have headaches in the past, how to prevent headaches in the future? ChatGPT advises: manage stress well, get enough sleep, drink enough water, avoid triggers, exercise regularly, work with correct posture and use medication as advised by your doctor˳

Another question like how to prevent high blood pressure, ChatGPT advises weight control, diet, regular exercise, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco, stress management, regular blood pressure measurement, and finally, is to use the medicine as directed by the doctor˳

  • What do doctors share when ChatGPT ‘cures’ all diseases?

ChatGPT also contributes to solving concerns, questions and unclear patient information˳ For example, when asked “can laryngopharyngeal reflux lead to cancer?”, ChatGPT clearly answered: laryngopharyngeal reflux can lead to cancer of the pharynx and larynx, with a low rate, also depends on many other factors such as genetics, environment, level of alcohol use˳

Chat GPT also reminds you to adjust “eating and living” to prevent disease and should see a doctor for advice and appropriate medication use˳ This can help patients make informed decisions about their health and take proactive steps to prevent more serious health problems˳

In addition, ChatGPT can assist with disease treatment by providing guidance on medication use, side effects, and interactions˳ It can also answer to the patient should take a certain medicine at any time of the day for the most effective˳

It can be said that ChatGPT is a useful AI tool˳ It can chat vividly to provide accurate, concise, easy-to-understand, easy-to-remember information to support patients, assist doctors in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases˳

There is no tool that can replace the doctor

However, ChatGPT is a method of language communication of AI, it does not take legal responsibility or make mandatory recommendations˳ Therefore, ChatGPT cannot replace doctors in making important decisions in the diagnosis and treatment of patients˳


Specialist Director of Saigon South International General Hospital

ChatGPT upgrade, can reply based on picturesChatGPT upgrade, can reply based on pictures

OpenAI company launched GPT-4, an upgrade of the artificial intelligence system behind the ChatGPT virtual assistant that has caused a “storm” in the past time˳ GPT-4 promises to be an innovative and bug-free version of its predecessor, GPT-3˳5˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/chatgpt-co-giup-ich-cho-nguoi-benh-20230315212637618˳htm

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