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Cheap Car Insurance – Young Driver, These Will Help You Lower Your Rates

Cheap Car Insurance - Young Driver, These Will Help You Lower Your Rates

Cheap insurance: A young driver is certainly not the most favored person in auto insurance˳ The younger a driver is, the higher the risk associated with insuring such a person˳ A teenager will cost much more than a twenty-five year old˳ To make matters worse, if this young driver is male the cost of it goes even higher˳ Here are things that will lower your rates dramatically…

But first, why such high rates once a driver is young? A young driver is usually less experienced than an older one˳ This makes them have a poorer response in road situations˳ In addition, younger persons are generally less safety conscious as a group than their older folks˳ These two combine to make them such a high auto insurance risk˳ Teens, for example, account for more crashes than all other age groups combined!

Now to things you can do to get cheap car insurance as a young driver˳ It would have been best if you could just get older˳ But, for that, we’ll have to let time take its course˳ Do these and you’ll get massive savings…

1) Take courses in defensive driving˳ Defensive driving courses that are recognized by your auto insurance provider will definitely lower your rate˳

2) Use a smaller car˳ Avoid sports cars and cars that fall into “expensive to insure” category˳ If in doubt, ask˳ But a general rule is: Big cars, expensive cars, sports cars, cars with a high theft rate are much more expensive to insure˳

3) Make sure you buy a car that has safety features˳ There are cars that have a high safety rating˳ These will help you get affordable auto insurance˳

4) You can be on your parents’ car insurance policy˳ However, for this to work you’ll have to live with them and have your car registered in their names˳

5) Get only A’s and B’s in school˳ A good grade is often rewarded by companies˳

6) Reduce your mileage as much as possible˳ The more you drive the higher your risk to the car insurance provider˳

7) Get quotes from reputable quotes and comparison sites˳ This is the no-brainer way of ensuring you get cheap car insurance˳ If you really want the lowest cost on it, visit at least three of these sites (Just make sure you input the same information in all three sites)˳ It will take you a total of only 15 minutes but will save you a few hundred dollars˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Cheap-Car-Insurance—Young-Driver,-These-Will-Help-You-Lower-Your-Rates&id=610859

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