Home Health Children with colic crying, what disease?

Children with colic crying, what disease?

Children with colic crying, what disease?

When parents see their children suddenly cry, many children with abdominal pain cry and roll, manifesting as abdominal pain due to digestive disorders, vomiting, bloody stools … making parents very confused˳

Children with colic crying, what disease?  - Photo 1.

Some cases of children with intussusception coming to the hospital late will have abdominal distension – Photo: provided by the hospital

Some families think that their children only have digestive disorders, indigestion, etc˳, so they do not take the child to the hospital but self-treat, but if the child has intussusception without treatment, it will lead to unfortunate complications˳

In the case of a child suddenly crying, especially a child of breast-feeding age (under 24 months of age), doctors say parents should think about intussusception, which in folklore is known as a disease “˳ bowel disturbances” in children˳

Doctor Nguyen Phuoc Tai – Department of General Surgery, Can Tho Children’s Hospital – Intussusception is a disease state in which a segment of intestine enters the lumen of an adjacent segment of intestine, causing intestinal obstruction˳ This is a common disease in infants under 24 months of age, most often in children aged 4-9 months˳

When “intussusception” how does the child’s stomach hurt?

Because at this age children can’t speak yet, can’t describe where they are in pain or what discomfort…, their expression is crying˳ Screaming with pain in the stomach˳

After that, the child vomits, after vomiting, the pain can be reduced more, the obvious manifestation is that the child has bloody mucus (feces like fish blood)˳ In case parents do not detect it, and take it to the hospital for treatment, the child will show signs of abdominal distension˳

According to medicine, about 90% of pediatric patients with primary intussusception is a disease with no known cause; in some cases due to congenital causes˳

What should I do when I suspect a child has “intussusception”?

Caregivers should monitor and detect timely signs of children’s health changes, when they see young children playing or sleeping suddenly crying, showing abdominal pain in episodes, they should immediately think of intussusception˳ ˳

At that time, take the child to visit the pediatrician immediately, the doctor will examine and perform an abdominal ultrasound for the child to check˳ When intussusception is detected early in young children, the treatment will be very simple, 90% of children are intubated by non-surgical inflating procedure˳

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In some cases, the child arrives at the hospital late or fails with the inflatable or other cause, the child may have complications of intestinal perforation or intestinal obstruction… If not detected and treated promptly, it can cause death˳

In folklore, many people still have the misconception that children laugh a lot, or run around and play a lot… will easily “roll up” their intestines˳ This is completely unfounded because this is a medical condition called primary intussusception, most of which have not been found the cause˳

Once a child has been infected, then it can still recur, so it is necessary to pay attention to health monitoring, even after being treated at the hospital˳ When there are suspicious symptoms, it is necessary to immediately take them to a pediatric hospital for timely examination and treatment, Dr˳ Tai recommended˳

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TTO – The time of changing seasons like now makes children suffering from respiratory diseases increase˳ According to statistics at Can Tho Children’s Hospital, there are over 163,000 children coming to the clinic for respiratory diseases (more than 8,200 children have to be hospitalized), of which nearly half are due to pneumonia˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/tre-dau-bung-khoc-thet-benh-gi-20230307151328556˳htm

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