Home News Christian Treatment: A Biblical Solution To Addiction

Christian Treatment: A Biblical Solution To Addiction

Christian Treatment: A Biblical Solution To Addiction

Christian Treatment Programs Have Gained Acceptance

Addiction is a disease that responds well to treatment, and with a Christian treatment program, people addicted to drugs and alcohol find themselves gaining much more than sobriety˳ With the proper help and support, an individual can find freedom from addictive substances˳ With biblical counseling and guidance, their relationship with God can become stronger as they learn to depend on Him for the power to leave drugs or alcohol behind˳

Years of abusing drugs and alcohol have destroyed not only one’s physical health, but one’s emotional and spiritual health as well˳ It is within the realm of possibility to get all that back, and for addicts to experience a greater gift – the love and grace of Jesus Christ˳ In recent years, Christian substance abuse treatment has become a popular choice for people wanting to release the strangling yoke of drug and alcohol addiction˳

Christian substance abuse treatment programs do differ from secular addiction treatment programs˳ However, they both share the common bond of individual and group therapy sessions and working towards the goal of learning how to live life without depending on drugs and alcohol˳ Christian treatment programs differ simply because they believe that reliance on Christ is the answer for the drug addict or alcoholic˳ Christians believe that through the power of Christ, no obstacle is too great˳ The Bible says in Romans 8:31b “if God be for us, what can stand against us?” The power of God is available to every addict who seeks his help in overcoming their addiction˳

Addicts in a Christian treatment program are encouraged to explore the Bible and rely on their faith for strength in stressful times˳ Many people who seek a Christian rehab program have had little or no exposure to being part of a faith community, and many addicts come to accept Christ as Savior for the first time in their lives˳ Those in a Christian treatment center benefit from the fellowship of others˳ They learn how to listen to other addicts’ stories and to empathize with other people’s experiences˳ God can take the most horrible experiences and use them for good˳

In Romans 8:28, the Bible says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose˳” He can take any situation and use it as a tool to reach others or to show love and care to the addict˳ Christian treatment is a great example of God’s power to use any weakness for a good purpose˳ When someone has reached their bottom, they are open to hearing about Christ’s love and forgiveness˳

In recent years, Christian treatment programs have gained acceptance not only among people in the recovery community˳ Christian addiction treatment is also supported by many pastors and churches˳ The reliance on faith is a powerful tool for addicts who are working hard to turn their lives around˳ If God is the source of strength, freedom from drugs and alcohol is a very real possibility˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Christian-Treatment:-A-Biblical-Solution-To-Addiction&id=6587245

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