Home News Create Your Website – How to Create Hyperlinks in Kompozer

Create Your Website – How to Create Hyperlinks in Kompozer

Create Your Website - How to Create Hyperlinks in Kompozer

If you want to create a website, you will first need a website building program, and here I am using a free program called Kompozer˳

Creating a hyperlink in your website is very easy, and there are several ways to do it˳

Open a webpage in Komposer and select where you want to place your hyperlink˳ Click on the insert link icon in the toolbar˳ A dialogue box opens asking what text you wish to appear in your hyperlink˳ If you want to you can simply put a web address here, or alternatively you can hide a web address behind some other text, for example “click here”˳

Now go further down the dialogue box to “link location“˳ This is where you put in your hyperlink˳ This can be a web address or an e mail address˳ The web address is the only tricky bit as it must be in the correct format – it is also impossible to give you a direct example here because of editorial guidelines, so I have put spaces where there should be none˳

h t t p: / / web address without the w w w (dot) whatever˳

If you put in the www, or leave out the http:// it will not work˳

You can also tell the link whether to open the new page in the main browser window or a new one˳ To open it in a new window, go to “target” in the open dialogue box, and tick “link is to be opened” box, then select “in a new window” from the drop down menu˳

If you have included an e mail, make sure you tick the box which says “the above is an e mail address“˳

When you have finished, click OK to close the dialogue box˳ Your screen will now show underlined text in a clickable link˳

An alternative way to do the same thing is to highlight the text you want to link, right click, select “create link” which will get you to the same dialogue box˳

You can also create a hyperlink from an image on your website˳ To do this, right click on the image and click on image and link properties˳ A dialogue box opens with 4 tabs˳ Select the link tab, and insert the web address in http:// no www form, or tick the box if it is an e mail˳

Remember you don’t have to create a link to another website˳ You can create links in the same way which take you from one page of your website to another page of the same site – site navigation˳

Make sure you test the links to ensure they go where you have intended!

Creating a website with clickable links creates lots of possibilities˳ Enjoy˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Create-Your-Website—How-to-Create-Hyperlinks-in-Kompozer&id=5957733

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