Home News Dad Diary: Baby Starts Kicking

Dad Diary: Baby Starts Kicking

Dad Diary: Baby Starts Kicking

Being a mother is probably the most joyous experience for a woman! The fact that she is now the vessel of a new life brings her immense happiness and a tad bit apprehension, because every mother wants a safe delivery so that their little one can walk out of the womb all healthy to experience the wonderful world˳ That aside, pregnancy brings with it its own wonders˳ The physical changes and emotional fluctuations are unavoidable˳ But what acts as a silvering lining of delight are moments like when the mother feels a baby kick inside a womb which most expecting mothers describe as a “soul communication”˳ And even fathers to be have their moments of inexplicable elation when they feel the baby kick!

A man can never approximate what a woman feels with a life inside her womb! When I heard that my wife was pregnant I was ecstatic and got busy to arrange the best environment for our little one, who’s already growing inside my wife’ womb with every passing say˳ Countless anecdotes shared by my friends and their wives made me curious as to how would that sensation of a baby kick feels like, both for a man and a woman˳ Can that soft piece of life inside the womb sense what a mother feels when she feels the kick? If even I get to feel the kick will my baby know I am his/her father˳ My mind hovered around countless thoughts and I felt bubbles of joy bursting inside of me˳

During her pregnancy period, my wife was curious to experience the baby kick! She often said, since a life was growing inside of her, she needed a sign from the Universe that she’s doing it all right˳ Also, being metaphysically inclined, she wanted to connect with our little one even before delivery˳ So, she sometimes before sleeping at night, she would recline back and have to talk to the bump waiting to feel the kick˳ We followed this before sleep ritual for a while and stopped, as nothing happened˳ And then one day, when I was in office my wife rang up in her total elation, sharing that she felt our baby kick˳ I could sense her overflowing happiness and secretly desired to experience what she did˳

My wife had started feeling our baby right from the eleventh week of her pregnancy˳ First, I thought, it could be an anticipatory imagination˳ But as my wife tells me now, it wasn’t and that Ria, our little one did start to communicate with her˳ There were times when she experienced minimized fetal movement and got into bouts of worry, thinking if all’s well with our little one˳ And as she sailed through her pregnancy I could see it in her eyes, how she wished for me to feel our baby kick˳

And one fine day, at a winter night on the 20th week of her pregnancy whilst we were sleeping, my wife recalls that suddenly, she felt our baby kicking rather too frequently˳ She secretly woke up and didn’t inform me anything about it˳ She kept her hand on the baby bump and was silently feeling the baby kicks and responding to it with a loving though˳ Then one day on the 21st week, she felt slightly nauseous at night˳

I woke up, attended her physically challenging state and when the queasiness reduced I was helping her recline back to bed˳ We both exchanged a loving glance and touched her womb, and pat came a soft kick˳ She said, “Our little is talking to us” and smiled˳ As she lied down my palm were on her baby belly and there were few more soft kicks˳ This continued for a while and then we went back to sleep˳

Now that we have our little Ria beside us, I can only get back to that December winter night when I first felt her communicating with me˳ Getting to experience your baby kick is a surreal experience that can only be felt deeply, never expressed in totality˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Dad-Diary:-Baby-Starts-Kicking&id=9913142

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