Home Health Men also go through menopause?

Men also go through menopause?

Men also go through menopause?

We often hear about women having “hot flashes” during menopause, but the reality is that many men also face “crises” during the beginning of the “deterioration” phase˳ So how to get through this difficult period?

Men have periods too "Menopause" - Illustration

Men also have a “menopause” phase – Illustration

Controversial issues of concern

Discuss whether or not menopause in man (male climacteric), doctor Hoang Khanh Toan, former head of the department of traditional medicine, 108 Central Military Hospital, said that this is still a hot topic not only in the medical world but also in the world˳ men’s deep concerns˳

Those who agree, those who oppose, but in traditional medicine, This state has been mentioned by ancient medical books very early with the pathogenesis mainly due to the decline of natural precious, semen and kidney qi˳

It can be understood simply that it is a downward change of the hormonal system, in which the role of sex hormones is especially important˳

Doctor Toan analysis testosterone is the most important male hormone, secreted mainly in the testicles˳ Testosterone levels in the blood vary during the day, highest in the morning, lowest at night, in adults this index ranges from 10-35 nmol/l, the average is 28 nmol/l˳

The amount of testosterone peaks during puberty, from the age of 30, the level of testosterone in the blood decreases gradually, especially from the age of 40 onwards, making a man’s body have many profound changes˳

In fact, menopause syndrome is a transitional period from middle age to old age˳

At this time, the whole body is gradually aging, the hormonal system in general, especially sex hormones is reduced, the regulation of production and blood levels of testosterone is disturbed, causing A series of disordered symptoms manifest mainly in the nervous system, autonomic nervous system and sexual function˳

This syndrome is common in the age group from 55 to 60˳ Depending on the different physical characteristics, cultural level, living habits, psychological life… of each person, symptoms appear more or less often˳ little, heavy or light…

In traditional medicine, there is no such disease˳ But based on the clinical manifestations, it can be seen that the images of menopause conditions in men are scattered among “tuberculosis”, “illusion”, “precious heart”, “uncomfort”, ” hypnotized”…

The pathogenesis is mainly due to the gradual decline of the spirit, the decrease of the mood, the deterioration of the internal organs, and finally the exhaustion of the precious natural resources, which makes it impossible to have sex and have children anymore˳

Correcting menopausal syndrome brings health and happiness?

In order to regulate the “menopause” syndrome in men, from the point of view of traditional medicine, it is necessary to divide the disease into different types of diseases such as kidney yin failure, kidney yang failure, kidney yin yang˳ bi-damage, kidney and kidney failure, spleen and kidney damage, kidney failure, etc˳, and then select appropriate treatment on that basis˳

The general rule is to nourish the body and to regulate the yin and yang balance, with special attention to the kidneys, spleen and liver˳ According to traditional medicine, the most effective measure is to implement the “spring recovery technique” comprehensively and persistently˳

The content of “spring recovery art” is very rich, but there are three basic issues: body condition, mind care and beauty˳

Sue yourself is to eat properly and properly, use reasonable medicine and exercise actively to make the body healthy, meridians circulate, blood and qi abundant˳

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In particular, it is necessary to pay special attention to the issue of drug use, because nowadays due to the increasing material life, people tend to race to find foods that are beneficial for sexual activity, but due to lack of knowledge should sometimes be beneficial and harmful˳

The only correct way is to know what the body lacks to make up for it, not to abuse it indiscriminately˳

Nurturing the mind Also known as convalescence, is the use of necessary therapies to regulate mental and emotional life in order to achieve stability and balance˳

In fact, during this turbulent period, most men suffer from psychological disorders to varying degrees, which, if not corrected, can lead to physical harm˳ and breakdowns in social relationships, especially husband and wife relationships˳

My Dung Also called beauty, pay attention to beauty care˳ A man must create a holistic beauty, beautiful inside and out, both body and soul, what traditional medicine calls the principle of “solid god, inner and outer co-rule”˳

However, according to the research of many pathologists, the intentional beauty treatment alone has helped a large proportion of men (and women) avoid many diseases˳ during the tumultuous menopause of life˳

Classic medical books Inquiry in the chapter “Yin and yang on the big picture” described this syndrome as follows: 40 years of age yin qi is halved, activity is impaired; I’m 50 years old, I’m heavy, my ears are bad, my eyes are blurry; At 60 years old, impotence, vital energy is greatly weakened, the natural holes are not open, the upper and lower parts are damaged, the tears flow smoothly˳

Or like a book Thien Kim Winged Phoenix Description: People at the age of 50 and above, yang qi declines day by day, energy decreases, forgetfulness, low excitement, heavy ears, blurred vision, all decay, restless mind, easy anger , sleep and eat not well˳

Why do postmenopausal women have osteoporosis?Why do postmenopausal women have osteoporosis?

Women in menopause often experience osteoporosis due to natural aging, especially hormonal changes in the body˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/dan-ong-cung-co-giai-doan-man-kinh-20230613081750182˳htm

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