Home Health Do you abstain from bathing and water when your child has chickenpox?

Do you abstain from bathing and water when your child has chickenpox?

Do you abstain from bathing and water when your child has chickenpox?

From February to June every year, there is often an epidemic of chickenpox (known as chicken pox) in children˳ Many people see children with water burns or abstain from bathing and wind to recover quickly˳ Right?

Do you abstain from bathing and water when your child has chickenpox?  - Photo 1.

Burns on chickenpox patients – Photo: Department of Preventive Medicine

Doctor Truong Cam Trinh – head of the medical examination department, Can Tho Children’s Hospital – said that chickenpox is an acute infectious disease caused by the chickenpox virus˳ Varicella virus cause˳ This virus is the causative agent of chickenpox in children and shingles in adults˳

The disease is transmitted from person to person by direct contact, spread through the air from tiny droplets of saliva secreted from the respiratory tract or from fluid in the blisters˳

Got chickenpox and then got it again?

When a child has chickenpox, if not treated properly and promptly, complications can cause skin infections, blood infections, pneumonia, encephalitis …

Chickenpox is a highly infectious, highly infectious disease˳ Therefore, children or adults who have recovered from chickenpox will have immunity to the disease˳ But some studies show that about 10% of people who have had chickenpox in the past have an increased risk of developing shingles (shingles) in old age (over 60)˳

Children with chickenpox need to abstain from water and wind?

There are many parents who still wonder if their child has chickenpox should abstain from bathing, abstaining from the wind or not?

Abstinence like this folk is a misconception, because children with chickenpox will be uncomfortable, itchy skin˳ Not bathing and cleaning will make the child more itchy, scratching the chickenpox nodules, prone to severe infections or superinfected dermatitis˳ Instead, parents should pay attention to bathing their children with warm water, taking a quick bath to avoid colds˳

As with abstinence or going outside, there is no medical recommendation for this abstinence˳ However, in the early stages of the disease, children should be isolated and not allowed to go out to limit the spread of the disease˳

Many parents who come to the doctor also said that they heard that children with chickenpox should abstain from eating fishy-smelling foods such as eggs, shrimp, fish, duck meat, chicken, etc˳, thinking that eating will cause children to itch˳ This is a completely wrong concept because when sick, the diet needs to be supplemented with nutrients with nutritious foods, supplemented with vitamins A, C and zinc … to improve the immune system˳

Should I bathe the leaves to quickly get rid of the burns?

Today, in rural areas, many parents still pass on word of mouth remedies to bathe their children when they have chickenpox to cool down and recover quickly˳

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    There are many chickenpox clusters in Hanoi

However, children’s skin is very thin, so it is very susceptible to allergies and infections˳ If the leaves are not washed or have pesticide residues, there is a risk of skin infection˳

At the same time, if parents have the concept that the child grows more and faster, the rash, blisters, the disease will heal quickly… is a common misconception˳ In fact, the less prominent blisters are, the better and need to be treated early to avoid further swelling˳

How is the chickenpox room?

In treatment, do not arbitrarily use antibiotics for children, because antibiotics do not kill viruses˳ The same applies to the application of methylene blue, not as much as possible, but only on broken or succulent spots˳

The most effective way to prevent chickenpox today is to vaccinate children fully and on time˳ When there is an outbreak of disease, limit bringing children to crowded places˳

Readers who have questions about adult and child health, nutrition, vaccinations, injuries, etc˳, please send an email to suckhoe@tuoitre˳com˳vn (for exact content, readers please type Vietnamese with accents)˳ The FAQ section with a doctor will select and help you answer˳

Cold season, prevention of dengue fever, measles, flu, mumps, chickenpox... how?Cold season, prevention of dengue fever, measles, flu, mumps, chickenpox… how?

TTO – There were 250,000 people infected with dengue fever in the first 10 months of 2019, an increase of 3 times over the same period˳ The epidemic is forecasted to last until after January 2020, while measles, seasonal flu, mumps, and chickenpox are about to be “in season”˳

Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/co-kieng-tam-kieng-nuoc-khi-tre-bi-benh-thuy-dau-20230329110615464˳htm

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