Home News Do You Have A Winning Export Business Strategy?

Do You Have A Winning Export Business Strategy?

Do You Have A Winning Export Business Strategy?

There is a famous saying that, `Behind every successful man there is a woman’˳ The same holds true for business too… `Behind every successful business, there is a strategy˳ One has to be extremely careful when working out their strategies for the export market˳ You might get away with improper plans in the domestic market but the export market is harsh & cruel˳ As it is the export oriented market is a extremely competitive one with people working on the minutest of margins, so it is important to grab hold of an opportunity and stick with it˳ Targeting your market, keeping reasonable prices, having a proper & efficient distribution channel etc˳ are the keys to a successful export oriented business˳

Marketing Strategies for Export Business: Marketing strategies for the export market is not too much different from your local marketing strategies˳ Different countries have different ways of looking at the same product; hence it is best left to your distributors in a particular country to look after the marketing strategies for that country˳ Do not overload yourself with all the work˳ Concentrate more to see that the distribution & production channels are running smoothly˳ Logistics is one point that one should take care of along with stock positioning˳ Suppose you have a surplus stock of goods in one European country and there is a shortage of supply of the same product in another European country˳ It makes sense to forward the excess goods in the European country to the European destination that is facing the shortage˳ Not only will you save out on money, but also the goods will reach the required market much faster˳ One should also have a decently designed website along with their own domain˳ I for one, would never conduct business with a person who had a Yahoo email id˳

Set your priorities right: Before you embark on your export business you have to set your marketing objectives properly˳ Remember, you are an unknown face over there and your potential market will know about your products if they are exposed properly˳ Having one’s website does help and a properly designed webpage with search engine optimized pages that come up in the top 10-30 results helps a lot in marketing your product properly˳ Even then, it is suggested that one advertises in the proper media for a couple of weeks running˳ Once you have been able to reach out to the potential buyers, it is the quality of your product which will market itself˳ Word of mouth advertising is the most successful means of getting ones goods promoted and it does not cost a copper˳ Your agents should be able to chalk out an advertising blitz for you, or if you so prefer, you can use the services of an international advertising agency˳

Know your clientele: One needs to be sure that the product they are marketing is of international standards˳ What might be good for your country might not be for other countries˳ Most foreign countries have stringent `quality control’ laws and one should be aware of the same˳ Good and loyal customers are hard to come by and hence you should assure that you follow up your sales with god after sales service˳ Treated properly, these same clients will spread news about your products and hence earn you more clients˳ One should pay special attention to their distribution and after sales centers in foreign locales˳ They should be managed by a reliable person who should report back directly to you˳

Source by https://ezinearticles˳com/?Do-You-Have-A-Winning-Export-Business-Strategy?&id=1146063

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