Home Health Eating salty reduces ‘desire’?

Eating salty reduces ‘desire’?

Eating salty reduces 'desire'?

Eating salt increases blood pressure, medicine has warned many, but Eastern medicine also has the concept that eating salty affects sex, reducing “desire”˳ How is this true?

Many people from the perspective of Eastern medicine believe that eating salty will reduce libido, affecting sperm˳ Why? Is this scientifically proven?

Salt entering the kidney causes damage

Herbalist Vu Quoc Trung, from the Vietnam Association of Oriental Medicine, said that from the perspective of Eastern medicine, food affects health in general and reproductive health in particular˳ Accordingly, the five flavors enter the stomach, each of which goes to the appropriate place, sour first to the liver, bitter to the heart, sweet to the spleen, spicy to the waste, salty to the kidney…

Therefore, moderate salt is not harmful, but eating too much salt will damage the kidneys, damage the new epidemic, weaken the spirit, and adversely affect the yang˳ Therefore, if you want to have a healthy sex, then you should persevere in eating frugal˳

Explaining why salt in the kidney affects fertility, doctor Hoang Khanh Toan – former director of the Department of Oriental Medicine, 108 Military Central Hospital – said that in traditional medicine, the kidney is one of the organs of special importance, evaluated only after the heart (heart)˳

The state of a person is largely determined by the kidneys˳ Kidneys have a lot of meaning in human development, maturity, and longevity˳ Because the kidney in addition to the function of regulating water in the body like that of Western medicine also has a function of storing semen˳

There are two types of sperm: sex sperm to maintain the species, also known as Tien Thien Tinh, and Tinh created from food and drink, also known as Post Thien Tinh˳ These two types of crystals are closely related to each other and are collectively known as kidney crystals˳ The effect of kidney crystals is called kidney qi˳

Traditional medicine highly appreciates the role of kidney qi, considering it to be a determining factor in sexual growth until the body’s future procreation˳ The kidney qi is strong and complete, the teeth are strong, the hair is good, the tendons and bones are strong, the menstrual cycle is full, the semen is abundant…

When kidney qi is exhausted, teeth fall out, hair dries up, the body wears out, menstruation stops, semen is exhausted…

Therefore, when the kidneys fail, in addition to the symptoms of systemic diseases, there are also manifestations such as decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction (impotence, impotence), ejaculation disorder (premature ejaculation)˳ , no ejaculation, di dream sperm), infertility, menstrual disorders…

To prevent diseases caused by kidney failure, in addition to using traditional medicine, it is necessary to combine without drugs, including eating bland, using only 1-2g of salt/day; eat a lot of vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin A, selenium; Limit eating cold, high-protein, greasy foods…

Eating salty and sex from a scientific perspective

Doctor Cao Hong Phuc, 103 Hospital, said that from a scientific point of view, no clear evidence has been found that eating salty foods reduces sperm count, testosterone and male libido˳ gender˳

Because salt does not directly affect the reproductive organs˳ It’s just a normal electrolyte that maintains the balance inside the body˳ There has not been a work to prove, how much salt you eat, how long it takes to reduce sperm, how much percentage decrease˳

The information that there is a link between salt intake and sperm count lies in information about high blood pressure and kidneys˳ There is clear mechanistic and well-documented evidence that salt intake increases blood pressure, and there is also a certain association between hypertension and decreased sex drive˳

But that doesn’t mean eating salty foods reduces sex drive˳ Because excess fat also causes high blood pressure, sympathomimetic drugs also cause high blood pressure, but these cannot be the cause of decreased sex drive˳

And there are also people with high blood pressure who don’t eat salty foods˳ They are still at risk of sexual impairment˳ So the point here is high blood pressure, not salt that causes sexual decline˳

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There are also people who believe that eating salt reduces kidney function and thereby impairs sexual function˳ Doctors believe that there is a misunderstanding between Eastern and Western medicine˳

“The kidney is a functional part related to sex according to the concept of Eastern medicine˳ But this word kidney is not a kidney in Western medicine˳ But eating salty foods has the risk of causing kidney stones, impairing kidney function, again˳ is the official kidney of Western medicine˳ Therefore, it is difficult to combine these two things into one,” said Doctor Phuc

However, with or without an effect, eating salty foods is an unhealthy habit˳ Eating salt is not beneficial for the filtering function of the kidneys and for the cardiovascular system˳ That hypertension is an intermediate disease of many subsequent corollary factors˳ Therefore, do not eat salty food˳

The World Health Organization – WHO recommends that each person should only use 5g of salt/person/day, equivalent to about a teaspoon of salt˳

The American Heart Association also recommends more caution than just a maximum of 1˳5g per day, especially for people at risk of cardiovascular disease˳

Limiting salt is especially necessary for people with high blood pressure, people with heart failure or the elderly˳

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Source link: https://cocc˳edu˳vn/an-man-giam-ham-muon-20230222113124764˳htm

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