5 Ninh Binh Police Colonels Retire Early

5 đại tá công an ở Ninh Bình xin nghỉ hưu trước tuổi

On the afternoon of February 17, the Ninh Binh Provincial Police Department held a ceremony to announce personnel decisions made by the Director of the Provincial Police.

According to these decisions, 11 leaders from district-level and provincial police departments in Ninh Binh submitted requests to retire early and receive pension benefits.

Director of Ninh Binh Provincial Police presenting retirement certificates and flowers to retiring officers for organizational restructuring (Photo: Ninh Binh Police).

Among them, five colonels—leaders at the provincial and district levels—requested early retirement. They are: Colonel Đinh Văn Tuấn, Head of the Immigration Department; Colonel Nguyễn Văn Tứ, Head of the Social Order Administration Police Department;

Colonel Đặng Văn Linh, Head of the Firefighting and Rescue Police Department; Colonel Nguyễn Đình Toán, Head of the Forensic Technical Department; and Colonel Phạm Văn Hội, Chief of Gia Viễn District Police.

The lieutenant colonels who requested early retirement include: Lieutenant Colonel Đào Ngọc Tuấn, Head of the Criminal Execution and Judicial Support Police Department; Lieutenant Colonel Nguyễn Văn Lượng, Chief Inspector of the Provincial Police; Lieutenant Colonel Phạm Trung Trực, Chief of Staff of the Criminal Investigation Agency;

Colonel Đinh Việt Dũng, Director of Ninh Binh Provincial Police, congratulating and acknowledging the dedication and responsibility of retiring officers (Photo: Ninh Binh Police).

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyễn Thanh Hà, Deputy Head of the Professional Records Department; Lieutenant Colonel Trương Thanh Tuấn, Deputy Head of the Firefighting and Rescue Police Department; and Lieutenant Colonel Vũ Quang Vinh, Deputy Chief of Tam Điệp City Police.

Colonel Đinh Việt Dũng, Director of Ninh Binh Provincial Police, expressed his congratulations, recognition, and high regard for their efforts, contributions, and sense of responsibility toward the common mission, supporting the organizational restructuring process.

Source link: https://dantri.com.vn/xa-hoi/5-dai-ta-cong-an-o-ninh-binh-xin-nghi-huu-truoc-tuoi-20250217165840701.htm

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