40 Tons of Snacks Still Piled High at La Phù Landfill

Vẫn còn 40 tấn bánh kẹo, đồ ăn nhanh chất cao ở bãi rác xã La Phù

On February 17, regarding the incident of dozens of tons of snacks and fast food being discarded and piled up “like a mountain” in Hoài Đức District (Hanoi), a local leader from La Phù commune confirmed that they had hired Urenco 10 (Urban and Industrial Environment Joint Stock Company 10) to collect and process the waste.

The official estimated the total amount of waste to be around 70 tons, of which approximately 30 tons have been collected and processed so far.

According to residents living near the area, the “mountain of snack waste” has yet to be fully cleared, causing severe pollution and significantly impacting their daily lives.

Tons of dumped snacks and fast food in La Phù remain uncleared (Photo: CTV).

Hoài Đức District Police, along with other authorities, launched an investigation immediately after media reports surfaced, but no results have been announced yet.

Previously, Mr. Vương Bá Dũng, Head of Market Management Team No. 24 (Hanoi Market Management Department), stated that before Tết Nguyên đán Ất Tỵ, his unit coordinated with relevant agencies to inspect food production and business establishments in La Phù commune.

During the inspection, authorities focused on verifying product origins, labels, brands, and expiration dates. According to Mr. Dũng, the strict inspections may have led to smuggled or expired products being unable to enter the market, prompting the owners to secretly dump them.

Hoài Đức District Police investigates the illegal dumping of snacks in La Phù (Photo: Nguyễn Hải).

From December 19, 2024, to February 6, 2025, 19 snack and food production and business establishments in La Phù commune were penalized. Among these, 18 establishments were fined administratively, totaling nearly 1 billion Vietnamese đồng. The market management team referred one case involving serious violations—producing counterfeit food—to investigative authorities.

Additionally, authorities mandated the destruction of goods worth over 300 million Vietnamese đồng, including smuggled or untraceable-origin snacks and fast food.

La Phù is one of the most well-known craft villages in northern Vietnam, specializing in the production and trade of various types of snacks.

Source link: https://dantri.com.vn/xa-hoi/van-con-40-tan-banh-keo-do-an-nhanh-chat-cao-o-bai-rac-xa-la-phu-20250217163837733.htm

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