Celebrating Longevity: Guidelines for Senior Citizens in 2025

Mức tiền chúc thọ, mừng thọ năm 2025

Celebrating longevity and honoring senior citizens is not only a cherished cultural tradition in Vietnam but also a way to express gratitude and recognize the contributions of previous generations. What are the special regulations regarding longevity gifts and celebrations in 2025? Let’s explore the details in this article.

Eligibility for Longevity Celebrations

According to the Law on Elderly People, the following individuals are eligible for longevity celebrations:

  • Centenarians (100 years old) will receive congratulatory messages from the President along with meaningful gifts.
  • Nonagenarians (90 years old) will be honored with congratulatory messages and gifts from the Chair of the People’s Committee of provinces or centrally administered cities.
  • Additionally, localities organize longevity celebrations for elderly people aged 70, 75, 80, 85, 95, and over 100 years old, in collaboration with the Association of Elderly People and their families.

Timing of Longevity Celebrations

Longevity celebrations can be held on various significant dates throughout the year, including:

  • Vietnamese Elderly Day (June 6): A day to recognize the role and contributions of the elderly in society.
  • International Day of Older Persons (October 1): An opportunity for the international community to focus on caring for and protecting the rights of the elderly.
  • Tet (Lunar New Year) or the birthday of the elderly person: Personalized occasions that add more meaning to the celebration.

Gift Amounts for Longevity Celebrations

Based on Circular 96/2018/TT-BTC, the specific gift amounts are as follows:

  • Centenarians: Receive 5 meters of silk fabric and 700,000 VND in cash.
  • Nonagenarians: Receive gifts worth 150,000 VND in kind and 500,000 VND in cash.

These are the minimum amounts. Depending on the budget and local circumstances, provincial People’s Councils may decide to increase the gift amounts. Localities also consider appropriate gift amounts for elderly people aged 70, 75, 80, 85, 95, and over 100 years old.

Funding and Organizational Principles

Sources of Funding

  • Funding for the celebration of centenarians and nonagenarians is included in the annual regular budget of the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs.
  • Funding for other age groups is allocated from the budgets of the agencies and units responsible for organizing the events.

Organizational Principles

The longevity celebration should adhere to the following principles:

  • The event should be led by a representative from the local Elderly People’s Association.
  • In cases where the honoree cannot attend due to health reasons, the organizing committee should deliver the congratulatory letter and gifts directly to their home.
  • The event should be organized solemnly yet thriftily, ensuring it is joyful, healthy, and in line with local customs and family circumstances.

The Significance of Longevity Celebrations

Longevity celebrations go beyond mere formalities; they are a way for society to deeply express gratitude to those who have dedicated their lives to their families and country. They also provide an occasion for family reunions, strengthening bonds and promoting the traditional values of respecting elders and cherishing the young.


The regulations for longevity gifts and celebrations in 2025 reflect the government’s concern for the elderly and contribute to preserving and promoting Vietnam’s valuable cultural traditions. Each family and locality should work together to organize meaningful ceremonies that bring joy and pride to the elderly.

For more detailed information, please refer to the original source.

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