Unresolved Mystery: Tangmo’s Death After 3 Years

Suốt 3 năm, cái chết của sao "Chiếc lá cuốn bay" Tangmo chưa được giải đáp

The trip involved six people, including three men and three women. Two days after falling into the Chao Phraya River in Thailand, the actress’s body was found by rescue forces. Thai police investigated the case and confirmed that Tangmo Nida died due to drowning.

Her companions claimed that Tangmo Nida fell into the water while trying to use the restroom at the end of the boat. This detail was widely criticized by Thai media and public opinion as “unreasonable,” sparking outrage across social media and Asian news outlets.

Actress Tangmo Nida tragically drowned while boating with friends in Bangkok, Thailand, in February 2022 (Photo: Thairath).

Autopsy reports revealed multiple bruises on Tangmo’s body. Surveillance camera footage showed suspicious behavior from her fellow passengers, fueling further public speculation.

In response to public outcry, Thai police reopened the investigation and continuously took statements from Tangmo’s companions. The investigation revealed that six individuals involved in the incident (five boatmates and one unnamed person) were indicted for fabricating testimonies, destroying evidence, and causing death through negligence.

In February 2023, Tangmo’s mother filed a lawsuit against four individuals involved in the accident, demanding compensation of 40.8 million baht (over $1.2 million USD). Previously, one individual named Hiso Por had compensated Tangmo’s mother with 5 million baht (over $150,000 USD).

In May 2023, two individuals—Hiso Por, the boat owner, and Paiboon Treekanchananan (Robert), the boat operator—were sentenced. Hiso Por was sentenced to 2 years and 9 months in prison, fined 64,000 baht ($2,000 USD), and ordered to perform community service. Robert received a sentence of 2 years and 2 months in prison, fined 54,000 baht ($1,600 USD), and also ordered to perform community service.

Both were additionally given 3 years of suspended sentences, requiring them to report to the police four times a year and undergo psychological therapy.

Tangmo’s mother expressed satisfaction with the verdicts, believing justice has been served. She stated she has forgiven both defendants, Hiso and Robert.

After three years, the case involving Tangmo Nida is being revisited. Authorities have recently received what they believe to be her mobile phone, which may hold key information to unravel the mystery surrounding her death.

In February, the phone was handed over to special investigators at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Thailand. It was retrieved from a man known as Bang Jack, who resides in the United States.

Upon receipt, the Special Investigation Unit began collecting DNA samples from the phone and related items, hoping to uncover new clues. All evidence is meticulously gathered and stored in evidence bags.

The unresolved death of Tangmo Nida remains a mystery (Photo: Instagram).

Bang Jack expressed satisfaction that the phone has returned to Thailand and looks forward to the results of the investigation.

He emphasized that the phone contains crucial information about the case. Bang Jack revealed that no one, including Tangmo’s mother, requested the return of the phone.

Authorities believe examining the phone could clarify why Tangmo was on the boat during the accident and what truly happened. They hope to have answers within the week.

Tangmo Nida (b. 1984) was a famous Thai actress, singer, and model. She starred in films such as The Devil’s Whisper, Mae Nak: The Ghost of Thayer, and Crazy Rich 888.

In Vietnam, she was beloved for her role in the TV series The Devil’s Whisper. Tangmo passed away when her career was thriving.

Source link: https://dantri.com.vn/giai-tri/suot-3-nam-cai-chet-cua-sao-chiec-la-cuon-bay-tangmo-chua-duoc-giai-dap-20250209111122013.htm

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