Key Changes in One-Time Social Insurance Withdrawal Conditions for 2025

Ai được rút bảo hiểm xã hội một lần trong năm 2025?

One-time social insurance withdrawal is a crucial policy that allows workers to reclaim financial benefits when they no longer continue participating in social insurance. In 2025, there will be notable changes to the conditions for one-time withdrawals. This article provides detailed and up-to-date information to help readers understand these changes.

Regulations Before July 1, 2025

Before July 1, 2025, the rules for one-time social insurance withdrawal were governed by the 2014 Social Insurance Law and related guidelines. Under these regulations, workers could only withdraw their social insurance once if they met one of the following four conditions:

1. Eligible for Retirement but Insufficient Contributions

Workers who have reached retirement age but have not contributed for at least 20 years, or female workers in rural areas with less than 15 years of contributions and no intention to continue voluntary social insurance.

2. Unemployed for Over a Year

Workers who have been unemployed for over a year and have not contributed for at least 20 years, and do not intend to continue contributing.

3. Moving Abroad to Settle

Workers moving abroad to settle can also withdraw their social insurance once.

4. Severe Health Conditions

Individuals suffering from life-threatening diseases such as cancer, polio, cirrhosis, leprosy, severe tuberculosis, and AIDS, as specified by the Ministry of Health.

Conditions for one-time social insurance withdrawal before July 1 (Graphic: Tùng Nguyên).

Changes Effective July 1, 2025

Starting July 1, 2025, with the implementation of the 2024 Social Insurance Law, the conditions for one-time withdrawals will be expanded to six specific cases for workers who joined social insurance before July 1, 2025.

1. Eligible for Retirement but Insufficient 15 Years of Contributions

Workers who have reached retirement age but have not contributed for at least 15 years can withdraw their social insurance once. Alternatively, they can choose to receive monthly allowances.

2. Moving Abroad to Settle

This regulation remains unchanged from before.

3. Severe Health Conditions

Life-threatening diseases such as cancer, polio, end-stage liver cirrhosis, severe tuberculosis, and AIDS still qualify for one-time withdrawal.

4. Significant Reduction in Work Capacity

Workers with a work capacity reduction of 81% or more, or those classified as severely disabled.

5. Not Subject to Mandatory Social Insurance

Workers who have contributed before July 1, 2025, and are not subject to mandatory social insurance for over 12 months, without joining voluntary social insurance, and have not contributed for at least 20 years.

6. Military or Police Service

Workers serving in the military, police, or regular militia who are discharged or leave their positions without meeting retirement eligibility.

Conditions for one-time social insurance withdrawal from July 1 onwards (Graphic: Tùng Nguyên).

Special Cases for Workers Joining After July 1, 2025

For workers joining social insurance after July 1, 2025, they will only be eligible for one-time withdrawal under five specific conditions, excluding the fifth condition mentioned above. Since no workers will fall into this category in 2025, the conditions for one-time withdrawal remain largely unchanged compared to 2024.


Understanding the conditions for one-time social insurance withdrawal is crucial for workers to proactively protect their rights. Stay updated on the latest regulations to ensure you don’t miss any opportunities. If you have questions or need further advice, don’t hesitate to contact local social insurance agencies for support.

[1] Social Insurance Law 2014
[2] Decree No. 115/2015/ND-CP
[3] Social Insurance Law 2024

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