Brave Driver Stops Fire Spread by Moving Burning Truck Out of Residential Area

Tài xế dũng cảm lái xe tải đang bốc cháy ra khỏi khu dân cư

Vào chiều ngày 5/2, Công an thành phố Pleiku, tỉnh Gia Lai đã thông báo về một vụ cháy xe tải nghiêm trọng xảy ra tại địa bàn. Sự cố này không chỉ gây thiệt hại lớn về tài sản mà còn đặt ra bài học quan trọng về ý thức phòng cháy chữa cháy trong cộng đồng.

Incident Overview

The incident occurred around 3:30 PM on February 5th when a truck with license plate 81C-084.xx was parked in a warehouse on Le Dai Hanh Street, Phu Dong Ward, Pleiku City. Initial reports indicated that the fire suddenly erupted from the rear tires of the truck. This area contained many flammable materials, causing the fire to spread rapidly and become difficult to control.

Brave driver maneuvering the burning truck out of the residential areaBrave driver maneuvering the burning truck out of the residential area
Incident scene of the burning truck (Photo: Chi Anh)

Immediately upon discovering the fire, Mr. Phan Van Dai (born 1987, residing in Phu Dong Ward, Pleiku City), the truck driver, acted bravely. Instead of panicking, Mr. Dai decided to drive the burning truck out of the warehouse to prevent the fire from spreading to nearby structures. His timely action helped protect the densely populated community surrounding the area.

When the truck reached Le Dai Hanh Street, Mr. Dai quickly opened the door and jumped out of the cab. Due to the sloping terrain, the truck continued to roll backward, colliding with the median before coming to a stop.

Efforts to Extinguish the Fire

After leaving the truck, Mr. Dai and the local residents used portable fire extinguishers and water to douse the flames. These initial efforts were crucial in controlling the fire until the emergency services arrived.

Upon receiving the alert, the Fire Prevention and Rescue Department of Gia Lai Province promptly dispatched teams of officers and specialized vehicles to the scene. Thanks to their coordinated efforts, the fire was fully extinguished by approximately 4:10 PM the same day. However, the truck sustained significant damage, resulting in considerable property loss.

Cause and Lessons Learned

Currently, the Pleiku City Police are collaborating with relevant authorities to investigate the cause of the fire. Preliminary hypotheses suggest that the incident may be related to technical issues or high ambient temperatures.

This event serves as a critical reminder of the importance of regular maintenance for transportation vehicles, especially their electrical systems and tires. Additionally, the courageous actions of Mr. Phan Van Dai exemplify the spirit of responsibility and bravery in critical situations.


Mr. Phan Van Dai’s actions not only saved lives but also prevented more severe consequences. This clearly demonstrates the crucial role of awareness and handling skills in mitigating risks from fires and explosions. To ensure safety, every individual should be equipped with basic knowledge about fire prevention and always be prepared to respond when necessary.

Readers interested in learning more about effective fire prevention measures can explore additional resources or share this story to promote the meaningful message of community safety.

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