Luật Dược sửa đổi - "cú hích" cho ngành công nghiệp dược Việt

Revised Drug Law 2024: A Breakthrough for Vietnam’s Pharmaceutical Industry

The revised Drug Law 2024, passed by the National Assembly on November 21, 2024, marks a significant step forward in完善越南药品行业的法律法规体系。这不仅是管理工具,更是推动制药行业强劲发展的动力,以满足日益增长的医疗保健需求。 Revised Drug Law – a boost for Vietnam's pharmaceutical industry Key Highlights of the Revised Drug Law 2024 1. Strengthening Policies for Pharmaceutical Industry Development The revised Drug Law introduces several groundbreaking policies aimed at…

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Công dụng bất ngờ của nước khoai lang luộc sau chuỗi ngày ăn uống thả phanh

Surprising Health Benefits of Boiled Sweet Potato Water

Boiled sweet potato water is not just a common drink but also offers numerous unexpected health benefits. According to Japanese studies, this water can help reduce appetite and support the body’s detoxification process. Boiled Sweet Potato Water: A Natural Solution for Weight Control Scientists in Japan have discovered that protein peptides (SPP) in boiled sweet…

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Vì sao nhiều người bị nhồi máu cơ tim, xoắn tinh hoàn khi trời chuyển lạnh?

Cold Weather Risks: Testicular Torsion and Heart Attacks

Sunny morning in mid-January, T.Q.H. (18 years old, residing in Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City) suddenly experienced severe testicular pain while sleeping. The pain intensified, forcing him to seek emergency medical care. At the hospital, doctors diagnosed H. with left testicular torsion, a serious urological emergency. Testicular Torsion: Causes and Treatment Testicular torsion…

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Nhiều ca mắc cúm nặng, đối phó bệnh như thế nào?

How to Handle Severe Influenza Cases

In an interview with Dân trí reporter, a representative from the National Hospital of Tropical Diseases in Hanoi stated that the hospital is currently treating 8 cases of influenza, including one severe case that required mechanical ventilation just three days after contracting the virus. At the Ho Chi Minh City Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Dr….

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