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Early Retirement Rules and Maximum Pension Limits in 2025

The 2014 Social Insurance Law, along with related decrees such as Decree No. 115/2015/ND-CP and Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP, have established specific regulations on pension calculation, particularly for early retirement cases. What conditions must be met to receive the maximum pension, and what benefits do early retirees under the workforce reduction program enjoy? Current Pension Calculation…

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Cuộc sống ở nơi thu nhập 270.000 USD một năm vẫn không mua nổi nhà

High Costs of Living: $270,000 Income Still Can’t Buy a Home in America

Living in major cities in America is becoming increasingly expensive, especially when it comes to housing costs. Even high-income families like the Petersons face challenges in owning a home due to rising real estate prices. The Burden of Housing Costs The Peterson family’s 2-bedroom, 100m² apartment in Campbell, Northern California, is becoming increasingly cramped as…

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Người tham gia tự nguyện hưởng lợi từ Luật BHXH mới

New Benefits for Voluntary Social Security Participants Under the 2024 Law

Social security (SS) voluntary contributions have increasingly attracted public attention due to the practical benefits they offer. Since July 1st, new regulations under the 2024 Social Security Law have expanded several attractive incentives for participants. Benefits Before July 1st Before July 1st, voluntary social security regulations were adjusted according to the 2014 Social Security Law….

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