Chế độ BHXH của người lao động mắc bệnh hiểm nghèo trong năm 2025

Social Security Benefits for Employees with Critical Illnesses in 2025

Employees diagnosed with critical illnesses often face numerous challenges during treatment and recovery. To support them, Vietnam’s Social Security (BHXH) has implemented several advantageous policies, effective from July 1, 2025. This article will help you understand the latest regulations regarding social security benefits for employees with critical illnesses. Social Security Benefits Before July 1, 2025…

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Người nghỉ hưu sớm khi tinh gọn bộ máy được hưởng những khoản hỗ trợ nào?

Early Retirement Support Policies for Staff During Organizational Restructuring

On January 17, the Minister of Interior issued Circular No. 1/2025/TT-BNV, providing guidelines for implementing policies and benefits for civil servants, public employees, and workers during the restructuring of the political system’s organizational framework. These regulations will be effective from January 1, 2025. Support policies for early retirement Detailed Guidelines on Early Retirement Policies Article…

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Giảm tuổi hưởng trợ cấp hưu trí xã hội, tăng cơ hội hưởng lương hưu

Boost Your Pension Opportunities with New Changes in the 2024 Social Security Law

The Social Security Law of 2024 has introduced significant changes that enhance pension opportunities for workers. One notable change is reducing the minimum required years of social security contributions from 20 to 15 years. This provision opens up opportunities for various groups, including those who joined late or intermittently. Opportunities for Late Social Security Contributors…

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Một phường tổ chức lễ mừng thọ cho 111 người cao tuổi

Nghi Hoa Commune Hosts 111 Elderly Celebration: Deep Gratitude and Humanitarian Values

In this special event, Nghi Hoa Commune organized a solemn ceremony to celebrate, present flowers, and gift 111 elderly residents. This activity reflects the moral principle of “饮水思源” and deep gratitude for the elderly in the community. Honoring Senior Generations Through Significant Numbers The longevity celebration at Nghi Hoa Commune is not merely about recognizing…

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Người từ 75 tuổi không có lương hưu sẽ hưởng trợ cấp 500.000 đồng/tháng

Draft Social Pension Decree: Key Highlights

Draft Decree detailing and guiding the implementation of certain provisions of the Social Insurance Law regarding social pensions is now open for public consultation. This is a crucial step towards improving the social security system, particularly for elderly citizens in Vietnam. Eligibility and Conditions for Social Pension Benefits According to the draft, Vietnamese citizens are…

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