Bắc nhịp cầu "xanh" đưa chính sách nhân văn đi vào cuộc sống

Building “Green Bridges” to Bring Humanitarian Policies to Life

Building green bridges to bring humanitarian policies to life – 1Building green bridges to bring humanitarian policies to life – 3After more than a year of implementing Decision 22/2023/QĐ-TTg (Decision 22) by the Prime Minister, in Nghệ An, 319 individuals who completed their prison sentences have received loans totaling over 29 billion Vietnamese đồng. According…

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Điều kiện hưởng lương hưu trước tuổi trong năm 2025

Early Retirement Pension Eligibility in 2025

General Retirement Conditions According to Clause 1, Article 169 of the 2019 Labor Code, workers participating in social insurance (SI) are eligible for a pension when they meet two conditions: fulfilling the required SI contribution period as per legal regulations and reaching the retirement age. Starting from 2021, the retirement age for workers under normal…

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Giả mạo truy thu bảo hiểm xã hội, người ký văn bản đã nghỉ hưu

Fake Social Insurance Collection Notices in Hanoi Alert

The Hanoi Social Insurance Department has recently received reports from citizens and workers about fake official dispatches purportedly issued by the department. The fraudulent document, titled “Notice of Social Insurance Arrears Payment,” was allegedly signed by Mr. Dang Dinh Thuan, former Deputy Director of Hanoi Social Insurance, on February 5. The department has informed workers…

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