Sức lan tỏa của hành trình Toyota cùng em học an toàn giao thông

Toyota’s 20-Year Journey in Traffic Safety Education

Traffic accidents remain a critical issue in Vietnamese society, causing significant loss of life and property. According to the latest report from the General Statistics Office, in 2024, the country recorded 23,484 traffic accidents, resulting in 10,944 deaths and 17,342 injuries. In response to this严峻的现状,交通安全教育解决方案,特别是提高年轻一代的安全意识,扮演着至关重要的角色。 Students participating in traffic safety knowledge activities Toyota: Pioneering Traffic…

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**Tứ Link Bridge: Unique Architecture and Strategic Role in Hanoi’s Transportation Development**

The Tứ Link Bridge project is being actively advanced by the Hanoi People’s Committee with plans to commence construction soon. The bridge is not only a significant transportation link but also a unique architectural symbol showcasing creativity and the cultural identity of the capital. Investment Preparation and Design Concepts Currently, the Hanoi Department of Transport…

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TPHCM có hỗ trợ riêng với người tham gia BHXH tự nguyện

Ho Chi Minh City Supports Voluntary Social Insurance: New Policies and Prospects

Voluntary social insurance is a crucial solution to help freelancers ensure social security, especially in old age. In Ho Chi Minh City, although there is no specific support policy from the local budget, efforts to promote it are being vigorously implemented. Current Support Policies for Voluntary Social Insurance According to current regulations, participants in voluntary…

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Ai được rút bảo hiểm xã hội một lần trong năm 2025?

Key Changes in One-Time Social Insurance Withdrawal Conditions for 2025

One-time social insurance withdrawal is a crucial policy that allows workers to reclaim financial benefits when they no longer continue participating in social insurance. In 2025, there will be notable changes to the conditions for one-time withdrawals. This article provides detailed and up-to-date information to help readers understand these changes. Regulations Before July 1, 2025…

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Những kỷ vật biết nói về biệt động thành Sài Gòn - Gia Định

Special Relics of the Saigon-Gia Dinh Special Forces

In the heart of old Saigon, special forces soldiers used unique “weapons” to achieve silent but crucial victories. The Saigon-Gia Dinh Special Forces Museum not only preserves precious relics but also tells heroic stories of the courage and intelligence of revolutionary fighters. Special Weapons: Creativity Instead of Guns Unlike typical military museums filled with guns…

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