Trung ương chốt những cơ quan Đảng và Quốc hội sẽ kết thúc hoạt động

Central Committee Decides on Streamlining Political System Structure

General Secretary Tô Lâm has signed and issued the conclusions of the Central Committee regarding the finalization of Resolution No. 18, aimed at reforming and streamlining the organizational structure of the political system. This strategic move aims to build a more efficient and effective streamlined system. Major Adjustments in Party Organization Structure According to the…

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Khởi công máy khoan hầm "Táo bạo" của metro Nhổn - ga Hà Nội

Groundbreaking of the Bold TBM for Hanoi’s Nhổn-Ga Railway: A New Milestone for Capital Transportation

On February 3rd, the Hanoi Urban Rail Management Board (MRB) along with consultants and contractors officially launched the second tunnel boring machine (TBM), named “Bold,” for the underground section of Hanoi’s pilot urban railway line, from Nhổn to Hanoi Station. This marks a significant milestone in the completion of this key transportation project. The Second…

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Nhà sàn cháy rụi đúng thời khắc giao thừa

House Destroyed by Fire at Tet Eve in 2025 Year of the Rabbit

On January 29, Mr. Đỗ Tùng Lâm, Deputy Chairman of An Lão District People’s Committee (Bình Định Province), stated that the authorities have慰问和援助了在安乐乡三村除夕夜房屋被烧毁的居民。其中,47岁的Đinh Văn Hùng先生(安乐社)的房子在新年寅兔年的午夜时分突然起火。 根据林先生的说法,当时天气寒冷,风势强劲,加上屋内木质家具助长了火势,导致火灾迅速蔓延并变得猛烈。 Mr. Đinh Văn Hùng's house was completely destroyed by fire 尽管村民们迅速报告了当地政府并共同参与灭火,但未能阻止火势。据统计,Hùng先生近100平方米的房子完全被烧毁,造成了约300-350万元的损失。 幸运的是,在火灾发生时,Hùng先生已经离开家与村里的人一起迎接新年,因此没有造成人员伤亡。 火灾后,安乐区人民委员会领导前往慰问和支持Hùng先生的家庭。 Mr. Đỗ Tùng Lâm visits and supports the family affected by the fire 地方领导人表示,目前正动员居民和单位为Hùng先生的家庭提供春节关怀。长远来看,地方政府将调动更多资源,努力重建新的房屋。 关于火灾的原因,林先生认为可能是由于天气寒冷,山区居民通常使用火取暖而导致火灾。然而,警方正在调查火灾的具体原因。 这一事件在当地社区引起了强烈反响,同时也提醒人们注意防火的重要性,特别是在节日期间。

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