Vi phạm giao thông giảm gần 43% sau 1,5 tháng thực hiện Nghị định 168

Traffic Violations Drop Nearly 43% After 1.5 Months of Decree 168 Implementation

On the afternoon of February 16, Hanoi’s Traffic Police Department reported that after 1.5 months of Decree 168/2024 being in effect (from January 1 to February 15), traffic police across the city handled over 24,000 violations (a decrease of more than 42.9% compared to the previous period); authorities also temporarily seized over 7,400 vehicles, suspended…

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Nhiều lãnh đạo, chỉ huy của Công an tỉnh Hậu Giang xin nghỉ hưu trước tuổi

Several Leaders and Commanders of Hậu Giang Provincial Police Request Early Retirement

On February 16, information from the Hậu Giang Provincial Police revealed that the agency had organized a conference to disseminate and implement the plan by the Central Party Committee of Public Security regarding the conclusions of the Central Committee and the Politburo on continuing the restructuring and streamlining of local public security organizations for more…

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Cơ cấu, tổ chức dự kiến của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Môi trường gồm 30 đơn vị

Proposed Structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Includes 30 Units

According to the draft decree by the government outlining the functions, duties, authority, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (a merger of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), presented at the ongoing extraordinary session of the National Assembly, the ministry’s structure comprises…

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