Early Skin Cancer Warning Signs from Small Moles: Symptoms You Can’t Ignore

Nốt như hạt đỗ ở cằm hóa ung thư, bác sĩ chỉ dấu hiệu nguy hiểm

January 21st saw the Central Dermatology Hospital announce two recent skin cancer cases, highlighting the importance of early recognition of dangerous symptoms. This serves as a wake-up call for the community about small skin lesions that can lead to serious consequences if not treated promptly.

Case Study: 34-Year-Old Female Patient – From a Small Dark Spot to Skin Cancer

A 34-year-old female patient visited the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery with a shiny dark mole on her chin. Initially, this mole was as small as a pea and had been present for a long time, but over the past six months, its size increased significantly.

Shiny dark mole on the left side of the female patient’s chin (Photo: Provided by the doctor).

According to Dr. Vu Nguyen Binh, the mole measured 0.5×0.5 cm, had distinct borders with healthy skin, and was diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma in both superficial and infiltrative forms. Notably, the patient had worked in an environment exposed to cancer-causing chemicals for five years, a significant risk factor.

Basal cell carcinoma typically affects older adults or those with prolonged exposure to intense sunlight and chemicals. However, its occurrence in younger individuals like this case is rare unless there are specific risk factors.

Case Study: 86-Year-Old Male Patient – A Lesson in Delayed Medical Attention

The second case involved an 86-year-old male patient who came in with a pigmented lesion on his left nostril. Initially, the lesion was painless and non-itchy, but after two years of laser treatment without improvement, it began to ulcerate, bleed, and crust over.

Pigmented lesion on the left nostril of the male patient (Photo: Provided by the doctor).

Diagnosis confirmed the patient had nodular basal cell carcinoma. Due to the lesion’s full invasion of the nostril, surgical reconstruction became much more complex. Both patients initially thought these lesions were harmless moles, leading to delays in seeking medical attention.

Warning Signs of Skin Cancer to Watch For

Dr. Binh emphasized that skin cancer can develop from seemingly harmless small lesions. Here are the key signs to look out for:

  • Appearance of small bumps, spots, or moles on the skin: Often appear on healthy skin, accompanied by unusual signs like surrounding dilated blood vessels.
  • Ulceration and crusting: Lesions that bleed easily when touched or picked at.
  • Color or size changes: Existing moles or scars suddenly growing larger within a short period.
  • Persistent sores: Long-lasting ulcers that do not respond to treatment are also warning signs.

Preventing Skin Cancer: Protect Your Skin from Risk

To minimize the risk of skin cancer, doctors recommend:

  • Limit direct exposure to harsh sunlight, especially between 10 AM and 4 PM.
  • Use protective measures such as wide-brimmed hats, sun-protective clothing, and appropriate SPF sunscreen.
  • Seek medical attention immediately upon noticing any unusual skin lesions for timely diagnosis and treatment.


Recent cases of skin cancer serve as a strong reminder of the importance of skin health care. If you or your loved ones notice any abnormal skin symptoms, act promptly to avoid serious outcomes. Remember, prevention is always better than cure!

Central Dermatology Hospital

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