General Secretary To Lam Issues New Regulations for Implementing the Party Statutes

Tổng Bí thư Tô Lâm ký ban hành quy định mới thi hành Điều lệ Đảng

On behalf of the 13th Central Committee, General Secretary To Lam has signed and issued Regulation 232-QĐ/TW to implement the Communist Party of Vietnam’s Charter.

Regulation 232 governs the enforcement of the 44 articles of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s 2011 Charter.

The regulation has been disseminated across the party system down to grassroots branches and took effect on January 20. All party organizations and members are required to comply with its provisions. Any previous regulations conflicting with Regulation 232 have been annulled.

General Secretary To Lam signing the issuance of new regulations for implementing the Party StatutesGeneral Secretary To Lam signing the issuance of new regulations for implementing the Party StatutesGeneral Secretary To Lam (Photo: Pham Thang).

According to Regulation 232, the Central Committee has set forth guidelines regarding the age and educational qualifications for individuals joining the Communist Party of Vietnam as follows:

  • Regarding Age:

    • At the time of consideration by the local branch, applicants must be at least 18 years old and no older than 60 (calculated by month).
    • The admission of individuals over 60 years old is subject to review and decision by the central-level party committee.
  • Regarding Educational Qualifications:

    • Individuals seeking membership must possess at least a junior high school diploma or equivalent.
    • For those residing in mountainous areas, islands, ethnic minority regions, or areas facing extreme socio-economic challenges, exceptions may apply based on specific development needs. These cases will follow guidance from the Secretariat.

Additionally, Regulation 232 outlines several rights of party members as follows:

  • Right to Information:
    Party members are entitled to regular updates, either monthly or as needed, about local, national, and global developments, along with party policies and state laws. This information is provided by higher-level party committees and aims to enhance members’ understanding and support their assigned duties.

  • Rights Related to Candidacy, Nomination, and Voting:
    These rights are exercised according to regulations established by the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

  • Rights to Criticize, Question, and Report:
    Members can criticize, question, or report directly or in writing on any party organization or member’s activities at all levels. They may also submit recommendations concerning issues related to the organization’s functions or individual responsibilities. Members are accountable to the party organization for their opinions.

Upon receiving criticism, questions, or reports, the relevant party organization or member must respond within the stipulated timeframe: 30 working days for grassroots organizations, 60 working days for district and provincial levels, and 90 working days for central authorities. In complex cases requiring additional time, the organization must inform the involved parties accordingly.

Members are also entitled to receive feedback from the local party committee where they work or reside when considered for appointment or candidacy. They may present their views to the party organization during decisions involving their roles or disciplinary actions.

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