February 2024 marks significant changes across various sectors, from education and environment to finance and insurance. Here is a roundup of new regulations that will have a profound impact on people’s lives.
Market-Based Electricity Pricing: Toward Transparency and Fairness
Effective January 1, the 2024 Electricity Law introduces a more flexible pricing mechanism based on market principles while still being regulated by the state. This aims to ensure efficient and sustainable electricity usage.
Illustration of market-based electricity pricing (Source: EVN)
Retail electricity tariffs will be revised to gradually eliminate cross-subsidies between non-market retail customers. The regulation emphasizes transparency, fairness, and equality among electricity service providers.
Waste Classification: A New Step in Environmental Protection
Starting February 3, Circular 35/2024 from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment mandates households to properly classify household waste. Non-compliance may result in refuse collection teams rejecting the waste.
Households must use packaging or containers as per local guidelines and adhere to the scheduled waste collection times. Non-compliance will be reported to the competent authorities for legal action.
High School Graduation Exams 2025: Fewer Mandatory Subjects, More Choices
A major change for the 2025 high school graduation exams is the optional status of the Foreign Language subject. According to Circular 24/2024 from the Ministry of Education and Training, effective February 8, the exam will consist of three days with four subjects: Literature, Mathematics, and two electives.
Students taking the high school graduation exam in Ho Chi Minh City (Source: Nam Anh)
Additionally, Circular 30/2024 specifies the third subject for grade 10 entrance exams, chosen by the Department of Education and Training. For middle school, grade 6 admissions will be through a single annual assessment.
Private Tutoring Regulations: Mandatory Business Registration
Effective February 14, Circular 29/2024 from the Ministry of Education and Training requires private tutors to register their business operations. Information about subjects taught, duration, location, and tuition fees must be disclosed before招生。参与课外辅导的教师必须向校长或教育机构负责人报告教学活动。从2月10日起,根据第28/2024号通知,将开展课外辅导活动的监督检查工作。