Man Wins Jackpot but Can’t Claim Prize Due to Ripped Lottery Tickets: A Heartbreaking Story

Chủ nhân 2 tờ vé số độc đắc rách nát được anh em chia lại phần thưởng

A man from Duong Hai district, Tra Vinh province, faced a heartbreaking situation when two jackpot-winning lottery tickets were damaged and torn while he was catching mud crabs. This incident sparked debates about lottery claim regulations.

Mr. M.’s grandson, who witnessed the entire event, recounted: “On February 1st, my uncle Mr. T.K.M. bought 10 lottery tickets and distributed them among his 6 siblings and relatives, totaling 8 tickets. The remaining two tickets he kept in his pocket. Later, he went to the rice fields to catch mud crabs. In the evening, a family member discovered that they had won the grand prize and shared the good news with everyone. However, when they found him, the two tickets had been soaked and torn by water.”

Mr. M.’s two lottery tickets were heavily damaged after his trip catching mud crabs.

Decision to Deny Prize Payment

According to the family’s account, after discovering the condition of the tickets, they tried to help Mr. M. contact the lottery agent in Tra Vinh City for assistance. The agent instructed him to keep the torn tickets intact, obtain a confirmation document from local authorities, and bring it to Hau Giang Lottery Company to explain the situation.

However, upon arrival at the company, Mr. M. was informed that the tickets did not meet the conditions for claiming the prize due to severe damage, loss of seals, and inability to verify their original condition. Company officials explained, “We are very sorry for this case, but according to regulations, lottery tickets must be intact, not torn or patched up to be eligible for a prize.”

This regulation is clearly stated in Article 31 of Circular 75/2013 by the Ministry of Finance. It specifies that winning lottery tickets must remain in their original form, unaltered, and free from tampering or erasure. If tickets are torn but still verifiable and不影响因素,公司会组织审核并作出决定。然而,在Mr. M.的情况下,彩票已经无法满足任何条件。


尽管无法领取奖金,但Mr. M.仍然得到了家人的鼓励和支持。之前收到他赠送彩票的人们共同凑钱,与他分享中奖的喜悦。

“中得多就多分一点,中得少就少分一点,”Mr. M. 的侄子分享道。这一行为不仅体现了家庭情感,还帮助Mr. M.克服了失望和悲伤。

Mr. M. 的家人一起分享奖金以鼓励他的精神。


Mr. M.的故事是一个重要的提醒,关于小心保管彩票的重要性。虽然这种情况是由于客观因素造成的,但它也表明遵守领奖规定的重要性。专家建议购彩者在购买后立即仔细检查彩票,并妥善保存,以避免类似情况的发生。

此外,这个故事还反映了家庭团结和分享的精神。尽管没有从彩票公司获得奖金,Mr. M. 仍然感到温暖,因为他得到了亲人的支持。


Tra Vinh市的Mr. M.的情况是一个深刻的教训,关于个人财产保管的重要性,特别是中奖彩票。同时,这也是家庭纽带和团结价值的明证。希望这个故事能帮助读者在生活中汲取宝贵的教训。



  1. 财政部-第75号公告2013
  2. 电子报 Dân trí


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