Mild Earthquake Hits Hanoi on February 3rd

Hà Nội xảy ra động đất

According to the Institute of Geophysics, a magnitude 2.6 earthquake occurred at 7:52 PM on February 3rd in Chương Mỹ District, Hanoi. The disaster risk level was assessed at 0, posing no significant danger.

Magnitude and Impact of the Earthquake

On the moment magnitude scale, earthquakes with magnitudes between 2.5 and 5.4 are typically felt but cause only minor damage. This earthquake falls into the mild category and did not result in any significant damage.

Earthquake epicenter map in HanoiEarthquake epicenter map in Hanoi

Classification of Earthquakes by Magnitude

  • Magnitude 5.5 – 6.0: Causes slight damage to buildings.
  • Magnitude 6.1 – 6.9: Can cause significant damage to densely populated areas.
  • Magnitude 7.0 and above: Results in severe damage over a wide area.

Monitoring and Alerts

The Earthquake Information and Tsunami Warning Center at the Institute of Geophysics continues to monitor the situation. Currently, there are no warnings regarding tsunami risks or major damage.


While the earthquake in Hanoi garnered attention, it did not cause significant damage. Residents can rest assured but should stay updated through official channels for the latest information.

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