Police Rescue 88-Year-Old Woman from Deep Well

Công an cứu cụ bà 88 tuổi rơi xuống giếng sâu

On February 15, the Tuyen Quang Provincial Police reported that at around 9:30 AM on February 14, the An Khang Commune Police Station in Tuyen Quang City received an emergency call about Mrs. Lã Thị Tu, 88, who had fallen into a deep well behind her home in An Khang Commune.

Upon receiving the report, officers from the An Khang Commune Police quickly arrived at the scene to rescue the victim.

Image of An Khang Commune police descending into the deep well to rescue Mrs. Tu (Photo: Tuyen Quang Police).

According to the police, given the victim’s advanced age and the cold weather, it was critical to bring her out of the well as quickly as possible to avoid life-threatening danger.

At this point, Major Trần Việt Phương, an officer from the An Khang Commune Police, disregarded the risks and worked with his team, using a ladder and ropes to descend into the deep, cold well. He not only rescued Mrs. Tu but also reassured and comforted her during the process.

Mrs. Tu being successfully rescued (Photo: Tuyen Quang Police).

By 10:00 AM on February 14, the police successfully brought the elderly woman to safety and took her to a local medical station for a health check-up.

Deeply moved by the dedicated assistance of the An Khang Commune Police, Ms. Lê Thị Bích Hạnh (Mrs. Tu’s daughter) wrote a heartfelt thank-you letter to the officers involved.

Source link: https://dantri.com.vn/xa-hoi/cong-an-cuu-cu-ba-88-tuoi-roi-xuong-gieng-sau-20250215125302803.htm

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