Cách đây 3 tháng, chị V.T.N. (57 tuổi, residing in Đồng Nai province) began experiencing prolonged vaginal bleeding. Initially, due to concerns about job security and not wanting to affect her work, she silently endured this condition and continued working.
Early Symptoms and Diagnostic Process
When the condition worsened and the amount of blood increased, she finally decided to seek medical attention at a local healthcare facility. There, doctors initially diagnosed her with possible genital cancer and recommended transferring her to a specialized cancer hospital for treatment. This information caused her significant anxiety.
At the specialized hospital, she underwent a biopsy and necessary tests. However, continuous bleeding made the diagnostic process challenging. After nearly a month of testing, the biopsy results ruled out any cancerous lesions.
Recovering patient
Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment Method
Despite ongoing bleeding, causing severe anemia and exhaustion, she was referred to Gia Định People’s Hospital. Here, an MRI confirmed that the woman had a rare pelvic and vulvar venous malformation.
Due to prolonged blood loss, she required two units of blood transfusion. The doctors then planned a combined treatment involving the Obstetrics and Gynecology department and the Interventional Radiology unit, using embolization therapy.
Dr. Nguyễn Đình Luân, Head of the Interventional Radiology Unit and Deputy Head of the Diagnostic Imaging Department at Gia Định People’s Hospital, explained: “During the procedure, I observed a tortuous bundle of purple-colored veins on the left wall of Ms. N.’s vagina, resembling a bunch of grapes.”
“After guiding the needle under fluoroscopic imaging, I saw the contrast agent spread exactly as expected within the venous malformation, confirming the decision to proceed with embolization,” Dr. Luân said.
The patient experienced only brief pain during the injection, which quickly subsided. Vaginal bleeding stopped immediately. She was discharged just one day after treatment.
Medical Significance and Unique Case
According to Dr. Bùi Chí Thương, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Gia Định People’s Hospital, there have been only 3-4 reported cases worldwide of pelvic and vulvar venous malformations, primarily in young women. Ms. N.’s case, discovered at age 57, has never been documented in the global medical literature.
Recently, Gia Định People’s Hospital also successfully operated on a patient with a life-threatening condition of lower gastrointestinal bleeding, caused by chronic portal vein thrombosis combined with arteriovenous malformation. The surgery, which involved removing three meters of small intestine, lasted nearly 12 hours.
Ms. V.T.N.’s case clearly demonstrates the importance of early medical consultation when encountering unusual symptoms. Timely diagnosis and treatment not only improve health but also offer hope for patients with rare conditions. If you or your loved ones experience similar symptoms, please promptly seek medical advice from reputable healthcare facilities.
For more detailed information, please visit the original article here.